
My dotfiles, including PowerShell scripts and Zsh

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

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forthebadge forthebadge forthebadge

Some of my favorite aliases for my .zshrc file. Not anymore.

This repo contains my dotfiles for zsh and PowerShell.

Looks & Features


Go to Oh-My-Posh for information on how to install Oh-My-Posh, then:


Then check your theme folder, navigate there, and put SpencerTechy.psm1 there.

Reload theme by:

Set-Theme SpencerTechy

Also, here's my PowerShell configuration profile: ps_profile.ps1 for reference.

I use:

  • scoop as Windows' package manager

And I removed PowerShell's default alias via:

# Remove curl alias
If (Test-Path Alias:curl) {Remove-Item Alias:curl}
If (Test-Path Alias:curl) {Remove-Item Alias:curl}

See ps_profile.ps1 for detailed information.


On Linux:

On WSL Windows:

Config files: _wsl_zshrc


This is published via the MIT License.