
dockerfile and directory for nginx-based http fileserver

Primary LanguageNginx


dockerfile and directory for nginx-based http fileserver. uses docker official nginx container


uses docker container to provide http filserver functionality within environment

  1. clone repo
  2. move desired content into www/ folder
  3. build new docker container using Dockerfile
  4. run new container, exposing proper ports for web access

Example Usage

cd nginx-filehost
mv -r ~/html/some-content ~/nginx-filehost/www/
docker build -t nginx-filehost .
docker run --name nginx-host1 -d -p 8080:80 nginx-filehost


  • to list new content, new container will need to be built. alternatively -- you can mount docker host volumes as folders within the nginx docker container. this content will be dynamically updated on the container as files move in and out of folder

docker run --name nginx-host2 -v ~/html/some-content:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -d -p 8080:80 nginx-filehost

Use with docker-machine

because docker-machine runs within virtualbox using a 'nat' adapter for external access on the docker-machine host, a port-forward will need to be set-up inside of the docker-machine vm in virtualbox. open settings > network for the docker-machine in virtualbox, click the 'advanced' arrow and click port forwarding button. the following settings will be sufficient

name protocol host ip host port guest ip guest port
nginx-8080 tcp (blank) 8080 (blank) 8080

the blank settings make the host and guest ip addresses as wildcards. you can optionally add settings to restrict the access to the forward, but will need to be updated if the docker-machine ip address changes.