
SmokePing VM using Vagrant and Ubuntu/Trusty64 base box

Primary LanguageShell


SmokePing VM using Vagrant and Ubuntu/Trusty64 base box Uses Ansible for SmokePing target generation and provisioning of software within the base box.


Must have Ansible installed within Vagrant host. Tested with Vagrant 1.8.4 on OS X and Linux running Ansible on each, but should work with earlier versions of each as appropriate. It is also possible to set up provisioner using ansible_local within Vagrantfile, but would require rework of Ansible playbook to capture appropriate file locations.


Uses Ansible with jinja2 template to build Targets file for Smokeping. Variables for hosts are stored within the smokeping.yml file. Hosts to ping will need to be given a name and an ip address (could also use DNS name, but have not tried). If adding additional hosts to either IPv4 or IPv6 sections, please use proper spaces, otherwise YAML will fail. Do not use tabs unless editor has tab-to-space conversion

  1. Clone repo
  2. Enter cloned repo directory
  3. Edit smokeping.yml file with appropriate host values based on deployment need
  4. Execute vagrant up. Ansible will gather facts, change timezone, generate the Targets file, perform SmokePing installation, move files around, then restart the service. If required, Vagrantfile can be edited to reflect proper bridged interface based on platform. Otherwise, a menu prompt will be presented to user based on desired "bridged" interface
  5. Wait ~10 minutes. Access smokeping on localhost through http://{{ip.address}/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi, where {{ip.address}} is the bridged IP address of the Vagrant VM. This information will be shown through ifconfig eth1 output from shell provisioner.
  6. SmokePing will generate plots based on 20 pings every 5 minutes, equally spaced.

Modifying Hosts to Ping

The YAML file also contains IPv4_Hosts and IPv6_Hosts sections. These variable sections are lists of dictionaries for each device that is to be pinged by the SmokePing container. To edit these hosts, please use the following syntax

  • Each member of the list will need to start (8) spaces in, followed by a -, to keep with formatting
  • The name of the host can include spaces, numbers, etc -- but cannot include periods. General "website username" rules apply
  • The address portion of the list will need to be either the IP address (preferred) or possibly the DNS name. Given that this may be run from a local laptop, DNS may not be available
  • Formatting (use of name: and address:) is critical to SmokePing targets generation. Please don't use capitals or omit one or the other keys
  • Separate each key:value pair with a comma and a single space as in - {name: Router1, address:}
  • IPv6 address entries will need to be encapsulated in "double quotes" (") due to the colon interfering with the key:value pairs in the dictionary

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