
HearthStone Deck Manager in React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hearthstone Deck Manager

Build Status Codeship Status for qsomazzi/hs-deck-manager

This app will provide a fast and simple deck manager for Hearthstone. Users can easily create and share a deck.


See a live demo of the last stable version


  • Manage as many deck as you want
  • Import default builded decks
  • Manage my collection
  • Select language between :
    • enUS
    • frFR
    • deDE
    • esES
    • itIT
    • koKR
    • plPL
    • ptBR
    • ruRU
    • zhCN
    • jaJP
  • Export one deck to share it, or all your decks !
  • Calculate deck dust's cost within your current collection
  • Fast filters on cards list, find your card with the help of multiples filters
    • Card Name
    • Hero
    • Rarity
    • Card set
    • Card Type
    • Race
    • Mechanics
    • Status
    • Cost

Planned features

  • Add more Unit tests
  • Add Lazy Load on media
  • Add translations on cards images (koKR, plPL and jaJP)
  • Add more mechanics filters
  • Redesign Filters Bar
  • Redesign scroll cursor
  • Import JSON


  • npm ~3.3.5
  • gulp ~3.9.0


Run in a cmd line the following commands

  • npm install
  • Then :
    • npm start -> for prod (build assets)
    • npm dev -> for dev (build assets, launch watchers and server)
    • npm test -> for test (launching tests units)


Licensed under MIT. Totally free for private or commercial projects.



Version Image Date
v0 v0 20/12/2015
v1 v1 03/01/2016
v2 v2 06/02/2016