
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

qsys-qrc-proxy Build Status

A proxy server and format converter for the QSYS QRC protocol.

Can be used to proxy over Websockets for browser-based control. Or as a simple TCP pass-through proxy for logging and observing communications.


$ npm install -g qsys-qrc-proxy


Via Command line:

qsys-qrc-proxy --ws-port 8083 # proxy over websockets on port 8083
# or
qsys-qrc-proxy --tcp-port 6000 --log # proxy over tcp on port 6000, and log traffic

Via API:

import qsysQrcProxy from 'qsys-qrc-proxy';

  '', // The IP address or hostname of a QSYS core with QRC enabled.
    wsPort: 8083 // The port this server will expose a websocket on.


qsysQrcProxy(remoteIP: string, {wsPort?: number, tcpPort?: number, log?: boolean, remotePort?: number})


Type: string

The IP address or hostname of a QSYS core with QRC enabled.


Type: number Default: 1710

The TCP port the QRC service is exposed on. Should be 1710 unless there's some funky port forwarding between the proxy and the core.

wsPort or tcpPort

Type: number

Must specify at least one. Specifies which port this server will serve the proxied communications on. wsPort will proxy over websockets. tcpPort will proxy a raw QRC stream (useful for using the log feature to inspect traffic).


Type: boolean Default: false

If true, will log the traffic to standard out.


		$ qsys-qrc-proxy <core-ip> [options]

	  --remote-port, -r      QRC port on core (defaults to 1710)
	  --ws-port, -w          Socket to proxy via websocket
	  --tcp-port, -t         Socket to proxy with raw TCP
	  --log, -l              Log communications to stdout

	Note: Must choose ws-port or tcp-port or both