Cost-Effective Animal Management via Environmental Capacity

Primary LanguageR


CEAMEC: Cost-Effective Animal Management via Environmental Capacity

Web-based quick access

For those do not want to be troubled with R and have small projects, please feel free to access CEAMEC on the Shiny Cloud: https://qt37t247.shinyapps.io/ceamec/


Install and run CEAMEC by copying the code below to your R console.

Check whether all dependent R packages are installed (for the first time installing CEAMEC).

list.of.packages <- c("shiny","rgdal","leaflet","shinycssloaders","shinythemes","tibble","unmarked","DT","data.table","xlsx","rgenoud","htmltools","bsplus","dplyr","shinycssloaders","rgeos","plyr","shinyjs")
req.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(req.packages)) install.packages(req.packages, dependencies = TRUE)

Install and run CEAMEC.

shiny::runGitHub('CEAMEC', 'qt37t247')

Video tutorial


Input data preparation

Please prepare the input files according to the structure of R package unmarked based on survey types:

Contact author

Dr. Qian Tang <tangbenjamin@hotmail.com>