Docker images that replicate the Amazon SageMaker Notebook instance.
- arnavdas88TeamCognito, Zeron
- askrht
- atalyaalon
- baniyan
- bitnotBerlin, Germany
- BlackC0re
- cacoethes
- chckJapan
- davehowell@simple-machines
- DenisoltNew York, NY
- DigitalCompanionA lifelong learner
- ghodoussInvoca
- ilkinulasPeakGames
- jeevanpillay0000
- jiamaozhengThe University of Chicago
- jjborieEvidera RWDS
- kwon14
- lawwu
- lmazzonItaltel SpA
- LuizFonseca06Tampa, FL
- maiconbaumxSicredi
- mharvanLuxembourg
- Mistobaan@recurrency
- nagpach
- pavel-kiperBerlin, Germany
- pdkzTokyo, Japan
- Phelerox
- philschmid@huggingface
- pmleveque@corabank
- praeducerAmazon Web Services
- Pravin-Jha
- ReemHalCanada
- rjatana
- shashank3110MSc. Computer Science Student at Uni. Stuttgart
- toyetund-nmdp
- yatszhash