
Versatile markdown editor. Besides common markdown, GitHub flavored markdown, it also supports task lists, emojis, Font Awesome icons, Ionicons icons, mathematical formulae, flowcharts, sequence diagrams, gantt diagrams, Vim mode and Emacs mode.

Primary LanguageHTML

Markdown Plus

Markdown Plus Markdown Plus ("M+" or "mdp" for short) is a versatile markdown editor. Besides common markdown, GitHub flavored markdown, it also supports task lists, emojis, Font Awesome icons, Ionicons icons, mathematical formulae, flowcharts, sequence diagrams, gantt diagrams, Vim mode and Emacs mode.

Online demo: mdp.tylingsoft.com

Screenshots: #screenshots

Mac app

We currently don't accept donations.
The best way to support our development is to buy our Mac app.


  • Simple, only a few hundred lines of code
  • GitHub flavored markdown
  • Live preview with scroll sync
  • Source code highlight
  • Task lists
  • Emojis
  • Font Awesome icons
  • Ionicons icons
  • Mathematical formulae
  • Flowcharts
  • Sequence diagrams
  • Gantt diagrams
  • Vim mode & Emacs mode

Setup & Run

git clone https://github.com/tylingsoft/markdown-plus.git && cd markdown-plus
bower install
open index.html

How to use Markdown Plus in your projects

Please take index.html as an example.


  • Thanks to all the dependent open source projects' authors !
  • Thank ASTND for designing the icon !
  • Thanks to those who have contributed by creating PRs / issues !
  • Thanks to those who have bought our app to support our development !


The BSD 3-Clause License

Copyright © 2015 Tylingsoft

Below is for Chinese speaking

Markdown Plus Markdown Plus(简称为“M+”或“mdp”)是一款功能丰富的 markdown 编辑器。除了支持通用 markdown、GitHub flavored markdown,它还支持任务列表、Emoji 图标、Font Awesome 图标、Ionicons 图标、数学公式、流程图、顺序图、甘特图、Vim 模式、Emacs 模式。


屏幕截图: #screenshots

Mac 客户端

支持我们开发的最好方式就是购买我们的 Mac 客户端


  • 简单,仅有几百行代码
  • GitHub flavored markdown
  • 同步滚动的实时预览
  • 代码高亮
  • 任务列表
  • Emoji 图标
  • Font Awesome 图标
  • Ionicons 图标
  • 数学公式
  • 流程图
  • 顺序图
  • 甘特图
  • Vim 模式 和 Emacs 模式


git clone https://github.com/tylingsoft/markdown-plus.git && cd markdown-plus
bower install
open index.zh_CN.html




  • 感谢本项目所依赖的众多开源项目的作者!
  • 感谢 ASTND 设计了图标!
  • 感谢通过创建 PR、issue 向本项目做贡献的朋友们!
  • 感谢众多购买了客户端来支持我们开发的朋友们!


BSD 协议

版权所有 © 2015 Tylingsoft


Markdown Plus

Markdown Plus

Markdown Plus