NPM package for Farming Weight and fortune calculations in Hypixel SkyBlock.
Created specifically for the EliteWebsite and EliteBot projects, but can be used for any project, as long as some credit is given per the license.
npm install farming-weight
This is a new package that's changing rapidly, there aren't any comprehensive docs at this time
import { CreateFarmingWeightCalculator } from 'farming-weight';
const member = // Get SkyBlock member from elsewhere
const calculator = CreateFarmingWeightCalculator({
collection: member.collection,
farmingXp: member.experience_skill_farming,
levelCapUpgrade: member.jacob2?.perks?.farming_level_cap,
anitaBonusFarmingFortuneLevel?: member.jacob2?.perks?.anita_bonus_farming_fortune_level,
minions: member.crafted_generators, // You should also include minions crafted from other members on the same profile
contests: member.jacob2?.contests,
}).setEarnedGoldMedals(earnedGoldMedals) // Can pass in some values instead of calculating them (you can exclude contests if you do this)
const weight = calculator.getWeightInfo();
console.log(weight.totalWeight); // 10000.53 (or whatever the total weight is)