
Discord bot for professional github sniffing :^)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Discord bot for professional github sniffing :^)


For a successful deployment, make sure to follow these simple steps:

git clone <repo>
cd github-sniffer
npm i
cp lib/example.config.js lib/config.js
touch watchlist.json

After that you need to add your discord API token to the lib/config.js file. Also bot will need a group chat id to spam messages to. Be a good boi and provide that one in the config.js too :^). You can also change the watchlist filename and it's encoding as well as the scheduled tasks interval in mentioned config file.


After a successful deployment you can run the server with the discord bot interface by typing npm run dev to run nodemon or npm run start to run a node server. Use start script as a default one and dev if you're testing something. Also check package.json. To be sure your bot is always working, use one of the (node) process managers or prefered daemons. PM2 recommended.