
Experimental markdown preview for neovim

Primary LanguageLua


This is a test file.

If you want to configure the plugin check the renderer.lua file. Currently it can't be configured with setup().

Plugin is in it's alpha phase. Use at your own risk.

Normally headers with icons(provided by plugins) look like this.

󰼎 Header 1 ╰──┤ The icon is being squeezed to death and looks ugly.

So, I changed it. Now it looks like this.

Header 1

And yes, customisable signs are also provided.

Individual customisation for headers is also possible.

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

From icons to background color, sign everything is individually customisable.


I also changed how block quotes look.

This is a block quote.

I also added support for callouts.


This is a note.


This is a tip.

You can also make custom callouts.

[!CUSTOM] This is a custom callout.

Block quotes can also support mutiple borders & colors.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Code blocks have also been reworked.

Icons and language are shown along with optional sign column.

print("Hello world");
#import <stdio.h>

void main() {
    printf("Hello world");
    <body>Hello world</body>

Unfortunately, this breaks indents in normal mode. So, it's not for everyone.