
JSONResume extension for VSCode

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This extension is a wrapper around a great tool called hackmyresume that allows you to validate, analyze and convert your JSONResume document.


The following features are available:

Resume preview

Resume preview

Schema hints and completion (jsonschema)

Tip: For this mode to work, your files must be end with .resume.json . See Known Issues

Schema hints

Schema validation (hackmyresume)

Schema validation

Resume analysis (hackmyresume)

Resume analysis

PDF Generation

PDF Generation

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • JSONResume.theme: Theme to use. Either one of: 'positive', 'modern', 'compact', 'basis' or a path to json-resume theme (default: modern)
  • JSONResume.analysis: Show resume analysis on each run (default: true)
  • JSONResume.autoSave: Save the resume before showing/updating the preview (default: true)
  • JSONResume.validation: Validate the resume on each run (default: true)
  • JSONResume.openPDF: Open the PDF file immidately after it's been generated (default: false)

This extension contributes the following key bindings:

  • ctrl-shift-j: activate the JSONResume preview and validation

Known Issues

  1. To make sure that the schema validation works properly, your files must be end with .resume.json .
  2. External images don't seem render in the HTML preview. PDF Generation is not affected.
  3. No tests :)

Release Notes


  • package.json fix


  • Fixed the package to be smaller (removed documentation images)
  • Made an ugly icon


  • Initial release