
The full power of Wolfram|Alpha in a terminal-based chat platform

Primary LanguageGo


The full power of Wolfram|Alpha in a terminal-based chat platform





  1. Download the repo (git clone https://github.com/quackduck/devzat-wolframbot)
  2. Compile with go build
  3. Set the environment variables WOLFRAM_APP_ID (get the free API here) and DEVZAT_TOKEN (ask the server admin to grant you one).
  4. Run ./wolframbot <host>:<port>

You should see the following message in the chat if everything was set up right: wolfram: I am online.

The bot can now be used 🎉


Usage: wolf [-v/--verbose] <query>


wolf integral of e^i(arcsin x)
wolf --verbose capital of France
wolf current Venezualan inflation rate
wolf apples vs oranges
wolf weather forecast for Antarctica
wolf --verbose flight time from Madagascar to Singapore
wolf what can i ask you
wolf pitch range of didgeridoo vs piano
wolf meissner effect