This is a totally useless project, developed just to use and test ESPBOT and esp8266-library. The APP will randomly move two digital output pin, one virtually connected to a wheel an the other one to a doorbell. My hamsters had a lot of fun with it.
(build commands are available as VS tasks)
- Configure the environment running the command "./"
- Build user1.bin running the command "source ./ && make -e APP=1 all"
- Build user2.bin running the command "source ./ && make -e APP=2 all"
(flash commands are available as VS tasks)
- Erase the flash running the command "source ./ && make flash_erase"
- Init the flash (flashing SDK params) running the command "source ./ && make flash_init"
- Flash the boot running the command "source ./ && make flash_boot"
The app comes with a [BEER-WARE] license.