
A Javascript and Wordpress solution to the European Cookie Law Issue

Primary LanguagePHPGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


EUROPA websites must follow the Commission's guidelines on privacy and data protection and inform users that cookies are not being used to gather information unnecessarily.

The ePrivacy directive – more specifically Article 5(3) – requires prior informed consent for storage for access to information stored on a user's terminal equipment. In other words, you must ask users if they agree to most cookies and similar technologies (e.g. web beacons, Flash cookies, etc.) before the site starts to use them.

For consent to be valid, it must be informed, specific, freely given and must constitute a real indication of the individual's wishes.

In this context this class lives. It simply alters the default document.cookie behavior to disallow cookies to be written on the client side, until the user accept the agreement.

How to use

If you want to use it as wordpress plugin then skip the Client side and the Server side sections

Client side

Download the script file EUCookieLaw.js

Add this code in your HTML head section (better if before all others JavaScripts)

<script src="EUCookieLaw.js"></script>
    new EUCookieLaw({
        message: 'In base ad una direttiva europea sulla privacy e la protezione dei dati personali, è necessario il tuo consenso prima di conservare i cookie nel tuo browser. Me lo consenti?'

If the user accepts the agreement then EUCookieLaw will store a cookie for itself (to remember that the user accepted the agreement) named __eucookielaw with true as value, that lives during the current session.

Customize the behavior

the EUCookieLaw initialization expect an Object with the following properties:

  • message is the message used by the default confirmation dialog. In the case of showBanner, the message can be an HTML content.
  • showAgreement is the callback method that will show the dialog with the user agreement about the cookie usage. If you use a synchronous mode to show a dialog (eg. confirm method) the showAgreement must return true if the user have accepted the agreement, in all other cases (user rejected the agreement or in asynchronous mode) it must return false.
  • showBanner (boolean)if you want to show a banner at the top of your page you need to set tis option to true.
  • bannerTitle (only if showBanner is true) the banner title
  • agreeLabel (only if showBanner is true) the agree button label. Default is I agree
  • disagreeLabel (only if showBanner is true) the disagreement button label. Default is an empty string. If not given the disagree button will not be shown.
  • reload if true the page will be refreshed after the user accepts the agreement. This is useful is used in conjunction with the server side part.
  • tag (only if showBanner is true) if defined the script will use it as predefined tag for title content of the banner.

Once UECookieLaw is initialized, you can access some useful methods in your JavaScript:

  • enableCookies enables the site to store cookies
  • reject reject the cookies agreement
  • isRejected if the user have rejected the request to store cookie
  • isCookieEnabled if the site can store cookies

Custom agreement example

Synchronous mode (see demo):

<script src="EUCookieLaw.js"></script>
    function myCustomAgreement(){
        if(!eu.isRejected()) {
            if (confirm('do you agree?')) {
                return true;
        return false;

    new EUCookieLaw({
        showAgreement: myCustomAgreement

Asynchronous mode (see demo):

<script src="EUCookieLaw.js"></script>

    function showDialog(){
         * Your custom dialog activator goes here
    function myCustomAgreement(){
        /* show some HTML-made dialog box */
        return false;

    new EUCookieLaw({
        showAgreement: myCustomAgreement

With agreement banner (see demo):

<script src="EUCookieLaw.js"></script>

    new EUCookieLaw({
        message: "La legge prevede l'autorizzazione all'utilizzo dei cookie. Me la vuoi dare per favore?",
        showBanner: true,
        bannerTitle: 'Autorizzazione alla conservazione dei cookie',
        agreeLabel: 'Do il mio consenso',
        disagreeLabel: 'Nego il consenso',
        tag: 'h1'

Server Side

The server-side script intercept the output buffer and will remove the sent cookies when user has not yet approved the agreement.

Then you should include the file eucookielaw-header.php as the first operation on your server. This will ensure you that any of your script or CMS like Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla or whatever you are using, is able to write a cookie if the user doesn't given his consensus.

// This must be the first line of code of your main, always called, file.
require_once 'eucookielaw-header.php'; 

However if the server already detected that the user agreed the cookie law agreement the script does not override the built-in function.

Further if you want to block some javascript elements you can do it by adding a data-eucookielaw="block" attribute to the script elements.

Block specific domain

If you want to block specific domains you can define in your script (before including eucookielaw-header.php) two constants:

  • EUCOOKIELAW_DISALLOWED_DOMAINS a semicolon (;) separated list of URLs disallowed since the user does not accept the agreement. Each space before and/or after each URL will be removed.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_LOOK_IN_TAGS a pipe (|) separated list of tags where to search for the domains to block. If not specified, the deafault tags are iframe. script, link.
  • EUCOOKIELAW_LOOK_IN_SCRIPTS a boolean value, if true the URLs defined in EUCOOKIELAW_DISALLOWED_DOMAINS will be searched in the <script>...</script> tags too.

Using EUCookieLaw into WordPress

Just download the zip and install it in your WordPress. The plugin actually supports translation in both Italian (by translation file) and English (default).

The plugin is compliant (also read as has been tested) with WP Super Cache plugin to serve the right contents when the user has not yet approved the agreement.

How to make the banner title and message translate in the proper language.

I've implemented the custom text-domain files ( EUCookieLawCustom-it_IT.po / EUCookieLawCustom-it_IT.po ).
Remember that to get custom translations properly work, you need to move the EUCookieLawCustom directory at the plugins directory level.

To be more clear the custom directory will be: wp-content/plugins/EUCookieLawCustom

Then take the file default and you have to put 4 strings in your translation file:

  • Banner title
  • Banner description
  • I agree
  • I disagree

Remember to put the above text in the plugin settings page (default behavior) and to produce the translation files (starting from the default.po located in the EUCookieLawCustom directory).

You can see a production example on my personal WebSite.

Create a detailed policy privacy page

To ensure your site is law compliant, you should have a page where you describe to your user which are the third-party cookies, which is their purpose and how to disable them. And yes! Don't forget to put the link in the banner!

CSS Cookie Banner Customization

The structure of generated banner (with the default heading tag settings) is the following:

<div class="eucookielaw-banner" id="eucookielaw-135">
  <div class="well">
    <h1 class="banner-title">The banner title</h1>
    <p class="banner-message">The banner message</p>
    <p class="banner-agreement-buttons text-right">
      <a class="disagree-button btn btn-danger" onclick="(new EUCookieLaw()).reject();">Disagree</a> 
      <a class="agree-button btn btn-primary" onclick="(new EUCookieLaw()).enableCookies();">Agree</a>
  • .eucookielaw-banner is the banner container it will have a random id attribute name that starts always with eucookielaw- and then followed by a number between 0 and 200.
  • .well is the inner container
  • h1.banner-title is the banner title
  • p.banner-message is the banner html message
  • p.banner-agreement-buttons.text-right is the buttons container for the agree/disagree buttons
  • a.disagree-button is the disagree button it implements the CSS classes btn and btn-danger
  • a.disagree-button is the agree button it implements the CSS classes btn and btn-primary

You can make your own CSS to build a custom aspect for the banner. However, if you prefer, you can start from the bundled CSS.

NOTE: If you are using the script as WordPress plugin, the custom CSS must be located in the directory wp-content/plugins/EUCookieLawCustom/ and must be named eucookielaw.css. Then it will be read in the place of the default plugin CSS.


I'd like to translate this plugin in all european languages, but I'm limited to the Italian and English too.

If you want to get involved in this plugin development, then fork the repository, translate in your language and make a pull request!


If you find this script useful, and since I've noticed that nobody did this script before of me, I'd like to receive a donation. :)

Who is using EUCookieLaw

Here follows a list of sites that is using EUCookiesLaw Plugin:

Note: To add your site fork this repository, add your site and make a pull request... or simply send me a message. :)