
Meeting 1/23/19

Closed this issue · 0 comments

Last week:


  • Fix discrepancy between ORB-SLAM coordinate axes and scale and quadcopter coordinate axes and scale.


  • send controller information from Unity to ROS
  • Get code and documentation for communication from ROS to Unity implemented by Jim
  • Publish most recent game version to GitHub

This week:


  • Fix discrepancy between ORB-SLAM coordinate axes and scale and quadcopter coordinate axes and scale.
  • Verify that we can run multiple ORB-SLAM instances on one workstation


  • Get code and documentation for communication from ROS to Unity implemented by Jim
  • Publish most recent game version to GitHub


  • Measure system delays
  • Create github organization, transfer ownership of main repo and all submodules
    • Organizations only allow more than 3 collaborators with paid membership, need to ask max to pay for monthly fee ($9)
    • For now, access to submodules will remain with their current owners, owners will need to grant access to collaborators individually

Misc notes:


New directory for save_load_map: ~/Research/Research_Max/QuadcopterAR/localization/ORB_SLAM_SAVE_LOAD_MAP