Selected framework and programming language

Dotnet core framework (version 3.1) and C# language (version 8.0) are used to solve the problem. xUnit frmaework is used for the test project.

Project Structure

You can find the solution in
The solution consists of two projects - LoadBalancerProblem and LoadBalancerTestProject.

  • LoadBalancerProblem project contains all the models, interfaces, and their implementations.
  • LoadBalancerTestProject is the xUnit test project to test all the implementations of LoadBalancerProblem.

How to run using travis CI

Go to the link You can find the latest build report there. At the bottom of the report, you will see how many test cases passed out of total number of test cases.

A total of 1 test files matched the specified pattern.
Test Run Successful.
Total tests: 17
Passed: 17
Total time: 4.1878 Seconds
The command "dotnet test LoadBalancerTestProject/LoadBalancerTestProject.csproj" exited with 0.

How to run locally

Travis CI has the restart build option only for the owner account. Hence, to run the solution and test cases, you need to clone the repository.

  • You need visual studio 2019 installed on your system to run the solution.
  • After installing the IDE click on the LoadBalancerProblem.sln to open the solution.
  • Open Test explorer and run all the test cases.

Number of test cases

There are in total 17 test cases which cover all the edge cases of the solution.