
Playground repo for learning how to deploy an elm app on shuttle

Primary LanguageRust

Elm on Shuttle

Playground repository for learning how to deploy an elm app on shuttle.

This README shall be updated according to the progress of the project.


The backend service is written in rust and hosted on shuttle.rs. The backend implements

  1. A static file server, whose sole purpose is to serve the files for the single-page front-end app;
  2. A REST API, for the front-end app, currently just sending a hello message.
  3. An OAuth authentication callback end-point, to perform the second step of an OAuth2 authentication flow with GitHub.


The browser front-end is a single-page app (SPA), written in elm, with the elm.land framework. It communicates with the backend REST API. It also uses an OAuth flow to authenticate with GitHub, with the help of a GitHub App installed in my GitHub account.

For now, the UI is in a particularly ugly state, but it works as desired.