
Primary LanguageJavaScript


What is it?

You need a PDF from an URL? That's it! You tell us the URL and we give ou the PDF.

How to use?

Make an request to http://pdf4devs.com/pdf sending a url and the pageSize (A3, A4, A5 etc.) that you we'll create the PDF and return it to you.



$ curl -XPOST -H'Content-type:application/json' http://pdf4devs.com/pdf -d'{"url":"http://google.com", "pageSize":"A4"}' > google.pdf

Via GET:

$ curl http://pdf4devs.com/pdf/http%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com/A4 > google.pdf


  • The URL must be public and without any kind of authentication;
  • pageSize must me one of this: http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qprinter.html#PaperSize-enum ;
  • We will return the whole PDF, not a URL, not a path, the full PDF file;
  • A URL will be processed just once in the hour, so if you request the same URL at 2015-12-08 07:05:00 and at 2015-12-08 07:30:00, we won't process the second atempt and return the first file;


If the process result in an error, we'll return it too. Validation errors too. These are the possible responses:

{"status":"ERROR","code":"0001","description":"URL is not valid."}

{"status":"ERROR","code":"0002","description":"Page size not accepted."}

{"status":"ERROR","code":"0003","description":"Could not create a PDF from the url http://google.com.br"}


If you're seeing this, everything is OK. But you can make a GET request to http://pdf4devs.com/status and we'll return a JSON like this {"status":"OK"} OR like this {"status":"ERROR"}.

Get in touch

E-mail me at eduardo@quagliato.me