
My spacemacs configuration

Primary LanguageEmacs LispGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


  1. Install Emacs.
  2. Install Spacemacs.
  3. Delete your .spacemacs file and clone this repository.

git clone https://github.com/quaini/.spacemacs.d.git ~/.spacemacs.d

Recommended Font: Source Code Pro

Note: A dotdirectory ~/.spacemacs.d/ can be used instead of a dotfile. If you want to use this option, move ~/.spacemacs to ~/.spacemacs.d/init.el. Source



Shortcut Description
SPC f e d Open Configuration
SPC f e R Reload Configuration

Window Management

Shortcut Description
SPC w / Vertical Split Window
SPC w - Horizontal Split Window
SPC 0 Treemacs Window

Insert Mode

Shortcut Description
SPC w / Vertical Split Window
SPC w - Horizontal Split Window

List to organize later

Shortcut Description
SPC ' Shell
SPC f t Treemacs

Bug Fixes
