
A decentralised payment ecosystem for open source technology and culture with a "not-for-loss" license


Open Source Economy

Exploring decentralized payment ecosystems for open source technology and culture,
with a "not-for-loss" license and incentives for transparent and consensual participation.


  • To help solve the problem of funding the open source ecosystem:
    World's Email Encryption Software Relies On One Guy Who Is Going Broke
  • To strengthen the open source ecosystem (increase quality, diversity, viability)
  • To create a virtuous circle of growth (simplify transition to profitability; reward enablers of this)
  • To accelerate human progress (reduce barriers to knowledge and tools)


  • Aligning incentives for participation by individuals and companies
  • Providing attractive reasons and simple ways to get started
  • Automating payment based on profitability, usage, and subjective value
  • Designing a reasonable system for distributing funds
  • Bootstrapping at small scales requires finding early adopters
  • Gaining adoption at large, useful scales requires advocacy


  • Not-for-loss licensing
  • Voluntary, transparent participation
  • Open reputations incentivising honest and accountable behavior
  • Identity established by communities and individuals you trust
  • Incentives for users, developers, students, professionals, and investors
  • Ethereum and smart contracts

Use Cases

  1. An open source developer and a professional user
  2. A creative commons author and an enthusiast student
  3. A DAO company and a foreign investor
  4. A respected mentor and a young apprentice
  5. An open architect and a DAO construction firm

Case Study: Open developers + professional users


  1. Open source developer
  • Wants to release software that makes a difference in the world,
    by achieving widespread use with minimal barriers
  • Wants to participate in a culture of open understanding and improvement
    that allows unrestricted learning and modification
  • Wants to receive payment to support their efforts,
    in proportion to their usefulness to others
  1. Professional software user
  • Wants to use simple and secure software that meets their real needs
  • Wants to be assured of the source and authenticity
  • Wants to have a voice in the future development
  • Wants to support other individuals and organizations,
    to the extend that they empower him or herself


  1. Not-for-loss license
    Grants unlimited commercial, non-profit, and personal use
    to any organization or individual that agrees to share
    a small amount (about 1%) of profits over a subscription period
    with parts of the open ecosystem they value.
  2. Public Accounts
    A public address by which individuals and organizations can receive funds,
    and redirect them to public or private recipients in a very flexible
    but transparently auditable way.
  3. Valuation Measure
    A contract component that model the degree to which an individual values others,
    as represented by pairs of relative weights and identifiers.
  4. Transaction Middleware
    Allows controlling the flow of transaction value with a combination of
    standard components and custom parameters.
  5. Donation Contract
    A type of contract that allows sharing incoming funds with recipients
    of one's choice in accordance with one's values.

External Infrastructure

Probably outside of our scope for this project, but these systems are
likely to arise in the future, and would be useful for an open economy:

  1. Open Identities and Reputation
    Allows users and organizations to build a solid history
    which allows them to be trusted by others, in the context of communities
    which both hold them accountable and provide opportunities
    for future connections and benefits.
  2. Registries and Ratings Agencies
    Third party organizations that make it easier to identify and evaluate
    market participants and services, including individuals, groups, and contracts.



Gain access to unlimited use of open products and content
by agreeing to share a small amount (about 1%) of any profits
over with parts of the open ecosystem you value, while building
reputation, influence, and goodwill as member in good standing.

  • Open products and designs
    Software, hardware, machinery, architectures
  • Open content
    Books, media, education
  • Unlimited use
    Commercial, non-profit, and personal use are all encouraged!
  • Reduce economic risk
    Failed ventures incur no cost from their subscription.
    This helps protect Individuals, DAOs, and Corporations.
  • Universal Membership
    A voluntary agreement under the not-for-loss license
    to join the open ecosystem along with its benefits and dues.


Get paid for the software you already know you want to write.
Make a difference by providing what the world actually needs.

  • Profit by Empowering Others
    Open producers are incentivized to share powerful, popular tools
    because they are rewarded when their users profit.
  • Build a Better World
    Create an ecosystem of mutual empowerment
    based on a "virtuous circle of good".
  • Metrics and Feedback
    Discover which types of software
    that people really use, value, and pay for.
  • Dual Rewards
    Receive payment in todays currencies (BTC, ETH, USD)
    while building reputation in the approval economy of tomorrow.


Master your fields of study with minimal barriers today,
and transition seamlessly to a paid professional tomorrow.
Gain access to valuable tools, content, and even mentors
under a low-risk, "not-for-loss" license.

  • Master Your Field
    Start building your knowledge and future toolset
    by working on projects you care about today.
  • Eliminate Barriers
    Find the information and tools you need to succeed,
    at a cost you know you can afford.
  • Continuous Growth
    Transition seamlessly from experimental hobbyist
    to paid professional with "not-for-loss" licensing.
  • Reinvest in Mentors
    Repay the mentors and others who helped you
    along your path to success, as soon as you're ready.


  • Use the Best Tools
    You get what you pay for, so support the open ecosystem
    that already empowers you and notice the difference.
  • One Simple License
    Simplify product licensing by subscribing to
    multiple products under one "not-for-loss" agreement.
  • Build Your Reputation
    Establish your professional reputation
    by showcasing successful projects.
  • Show Your Value and Expertise
    Advertise your interests and expertise
    by sharing your personal tools of choice.
  • Reinvest in Your Community
    Build goodwill in your community
    by giving back to those supporting your profession.


  • Invest In Your Values
    Invest in the future success of the open software,
    products, and content you believe in
    in ways that are purposeful and profitable.
  • Regional Integration
    Simple, automatic integration
    with the laws of each participant's respective locale
    to guide users on a best-effort basis.
  • Common Conventions
    Point users towards informal legal analysis
    to gain a basic understanding of common conventions.
  • User Responsilibity
    Encourage users to make their own decisions,
    if necessary with their own legal counsel.
  • Regional Limitations
    Note, this means features may be limited by region!