
Linter for UI5 projects

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

UI5 Class Linter

Command Line Linter for UI5 based projects.

Any support is highly appreciated!

How to use

Execute in command line:

npm install ui5plugin-linter -g

After installing the package globally the linter will be available:



Linter config

UI5 Linter searches for package.json in your CWD (Current Working Directory) and locates the config there.

ui5plugin-parser preload the library metadata and stores it in cache. If "libsToLoad" were changed, it is necessary to clear cache. It is possible by adding --rmcache flag to ui5linter:

ui5linter --rmcache

TS vs JS


If any typescript file is found in the project, parser considers that it's TS project.
tsconfig.json should be located in CWD.

Folder exclusions

For convenience purposes UI5TSParser ignores webapp and src-gen folders, because they contain transpiled JS/XML files, which can make the parser to think that source files are there. If build folder name is different, is should be added to excludeFolderPatterns in your config (VSCode Preferences in case of UI5 Extension, package.json in case of cli usage).

Configuration example

	"ui5": {
		"ui5parser": {
			"ui5version": "1.84.19",
			"dataSource": "https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/",
			"rejectUnauthorized": true,
			"libsToLoad": ["sap.uxap", "sap.viz"]
		"ui5linter": {
			"severity": {
				"WrongParametersLinter": "Error",
				"WrongOverrideLinter": "Warning",
				"WrongImportLinter": "Information",
				"WrongFilePathLinter": "Hint"
			"usage": {
				"WrongParametersLinter": true,
				"WrongOverrideLinter": false
			"jsLinterExceptions": [
					"className": "com.test.MyCustomClass",
					/*method or field name*/
					"memberName": "myCustomMethod",
					/*all classes which extends com.test.MyCustomClass will
        inherit this exception as well*/
					"applyToChildren": true
			/*classes to exclude from linting*/
			"jsClassExceptions": ["com.test.MyCustomClass1", "com.test.MyCustomClass2"],
			/*views and fragments to exclude from linting*/
			"xmlClassExceptions": ["com.test.view.Master", "com.test.fragment.MyToolbar"],
			"componentsToInclude": ["com.test"],
			/*it makes sense to use only componentsToInclude or componentsToExclude, but not both at once.
      "componentsToExclude" comes in handy when you want to exclude e.g. libraries.
      "componentsToInclude" comes handy when you have many different components which project depends
      on, but it is necessary to lint only one*/
			"componentsToExclude": ["com.custom.library"],
			//Handy to add additional workspace paths if e.g. library is outside of CWD
			"additionalWorkspacePaths": ["C:\\MyLibrary", "../MyLibrary"]

Default linter config

Default config is as follows:

	"ui5": {
		"ui5linter": {
			"severity": {
				"WrongParametersLinter": "Error",
				"WrongOverrideLinter": "Error",
				"WrongImportLinter": "Warning",
				"WrongFilePathLinter": "Warning",
				"WrongFieldMethodLinter": "Warning",
				"WrongClassNameLinter": "Warning",
				"UnusedTranslationsLinter": "Information",
				"UnusedNamespaceLinter": "Error",
				"UnusedMemberLinter": "Information",
				"TagLinter": "Error",
				"TagAttributeLinter": "Error",
				"PublicMemberLinter": "Information",
				"InterfaceLinter": "Error",
				"AbstractClassLinter": "Error",
				"UnusedClassLinter": "Error",
				"WrongNamespaceLinter": "Warning"
			"usage": {
				"WrongParametersLinter": true,
				"WrongOverrideLinter": true,
				"WrongImportLinter": true,
				"WrongFilePathLinter": true,
				"WrongFieldMethodLinter": true,
				"WrongClassNameLinter": true,
				"UnusedTranslationsLinter": true,
				"UnusedNamespaceLinter": true,
				"UnusedMemberLinter": true,
				"TagLinter": true,
				"TagAttributeLinter": true,
				"PublicMemberLinter": true,
				"InterfaceLinter": true,
				"AbstractClassLinter": true,
				"UnusedClassLinter": true,
				"WrongNamespaceLinter": true
			"jsLinterExceptions": [
					"className": "sap.ui.core.Element",
					"memberName": "getDomRef",
					"applyToChildren": true
					"className": "sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel",
					"memberName": "iSizeLimit",
					"applyToChildren": true
					"className": "sap.ui.model.Binding",
					"memberName": "*"
					"className": "sap.ui.model.Model",
					"memberName": "*"
					"className": "sap.ui.core.Element",
					"memberName": "*"
					"className": "sap.ui.base.ManagedObject",
					"memberName": "*"
					"className": "sap.ui.core.Control",
					"memberName": "*"
					"className": "sap.ui.xmlfragment",
					"memberName": "*"
					"className": "*",
					"memberName": "byId"
					"className": "*",
					"memberName": "prototype"
					"className": "*",
					"memberName": "call"
					"className": "*",
					"memberName": "apply"
					"className": "*",
					"memberName": "bind"
					"className": "*",
					"memberName": "constructor"
					"className": "*",
					"memberName": "init"
					"className": "*",
					"memberName": "exit"
					"className": "map",
					"memberName": "*"
			"jsClassExceptions": [],
			"xmlClassExceptions": [],
			"componentsToInclude": [],
			"componentsToExclude": [],
			"additionalWorkspacePaths": []

It is possible to override properties in your package.json. See Configuration example

In case of jsLinterExceptions the exceptions which will be found in package.json of CWD will be added to the default exceptions, in the rest of the cases properties will be overwritten

Parser config

It is possible to add config for ui5plugin-parser as well.

Check ui5plugin-parser -> Config default values as a reference for parser properties
See Configuration example

package.json interface

The technical interface of possible entries:

interface IUI5PackageConfigEntry {
	ui5?: IUI5LinterEntry;
interface IUI5LinterEntry {
	ui5linter?: IUI5LinterEntryFields;
interface IUI5LinterEntryFields {
	severity?: {
		[key in JSLinters | XMLLinters | PropertiesLinters]: Severity;
	usage?: {
		[key in JSLinters | XMLLinters | PropertiesLinters]: boolean;
	jsLinterExceptions?: JSLinterException[];
	jsClassExceptions?: string[];
	xmlClassExceptions?: string[];
	componentsToInclude?: string[];
	componentsToExclude?: string[];
	additionalWorkspacePaths?: string[];


enum PropertiesLinters {
	UnusedTranslationsLinter = "UnusedTranslationsLinter"
enum XMLLinters {
	TagAttributeLinter = "TagAttributeLinter",
	TagLinter = "TagLinter",
	UnusedNamespaceLinter = "UnusedNamespaceLinter",
	WrongFilePathLinter = "WrongFilePathLinter"
enum JSLinters {
	AbstractClassLinter = "AbstractClassLinter",
	InterfaceLinter = "InterfaceLinter",
	PublicMemberLinter = "PublicMemberLinter",
	UnusedMemberLinter = "UnusedMemberLinter",
	WrongClassNameLinter = "WrongClassNameLinter",
	WrongFieldMethodLinter = "WrongFieldMethodLinter",
	WrongFilePathLinter = "WrongFilePathLinter",
	WrongImportLinter = "WrongImportLinter",
	WrongOverrideLinter = "WrongOverrideLinter",
	WrongParametersLinter = "WrongParametersLinter",
	UnusedClassLinter = "UnusedClassLinter",
	WrongNamespaceLinter = "WrongNamespaceLinter"
enum Severity {
	Warning = "Warning",
	Error = "Error",
	Information = "Information",
	Hint = "Hint"