
A wrapper around the AWS opsworks api geared at teams who use opsworks for staging and production deploys.

Primary LanguageRuby

Qops : Quandl Operations Helper

Configuring Qops in your project

  1. In your repo's config directory create a file called opsworks.yml. See sample.
  2. Install gem qops to your system. Be sure to use gem install qops. Do not include it as part of the bundle of your repo as it is mean't to be run outside of the scope of your project.
  3. Run qops list to get a list of commands you can run.
  4. Run qops help <command> for more information on command argument options


Q: Can I Override Built-In Templates

You can create a overridden_built_in_templates folder within you cookbooks folder. /cookbooks/overridden_built_in_templates/unicorn/templates/default/unicorn.conf.erb

Q: For the qops qops:instance:run_command command, it provides two options: one is run commands against all instances of the stack all in once, one is run commands on each instances of the stack one by one randomly. How do I use this?

When running commands one by one, between each execution of the command, there will be a delay. The delay is config by wait_deploy. By default it is 180 seconds when it is not defined. For now, run_command command will only support commends setup configure install_dependencies update_dependencies, execute_recipes, since commands update_custom_cookbooks deploy was implemented before.

When run command execute_recipes, a comma separated recipes should be supply, for example: cookbookname::recipename_one,cookbookname::recipename_two

Q: How do I use QOPS to override env variables on my opsworks CHEF 11 stack?

You can use the custom json flag for this. Example:

qops qops:instance:up -e staging -j '{ "deploy" : { "wikiposit" : { "environment_variables" : { "ENV_VARIABLE_TO_OVERIDE": "X" } } } }'

In this case the wikiposit is the opsworks app wikiposit. You will need to change this to whichever app you are deploying.

See also: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/opsworks/latest/userguide/apps-environment-vars.html

Sample Config (with all options)

_daily_schedule: &daily_schedule
  '13': 'on'
  '14': 'on'
  '15': 'on'
  '16': 'on'
  '17': 'on'
  '18': 'on'
  '19': 'on'
  '20': 'on'
  '21': 'on'
  '22': 'on'

_weekly_schedule: &weekly_schedule
  monday: *daily_schedule
  tuesday: *daily_schedule
  wednesday: *daily_schedule
  thursday: *daily_schedule
  friday: *daily_schedule

_default: &default
  wait_iterations: 600 # Optional
  command_log_lines: 100 # Optional
  autoscale_type: ~ # Optional
  region: us-east-1
  app_name: 'wikiposit'
  instance_type: 't2.small'
  max_instance_duration: 86400 # Optional
  clean_commands_to_ignore: ['configure', 'shutdown] # Optional: A list of opsworks commands to ignore when calculating that last run time for the clean command. Ignores `configure` and `shutdown` commands by default.  
  cookbook_dir: cookbooks
  cookbook_name: wikiposit
  cookbook_version: "<%= IO.read(File.join(Dir.pwd, 'cookbooks/VERSION')).strip %>"
  cookbook_s3_bucket: quandl-cookbooks

  <<: *default
  deploy_type: :staging
  stack_id: 1aec9354-e1bc-4f31-8627-2208f2382dcb
  layer_id: 622555c4-fc07-4ff1-ba79-0a63fbd233f5
  application_id: 15904509-ace3-4d78-923e-ea10b3b2d433 # Optional. Deploy command will not run without application ID.
  subnet: subnet-0cde5d27
  cookbook_s3_path: staging/my-app

Sample Slack.yml

If you create a config/quandl/slack.yml file as so slack messages can be enabled for deployments under various environments.

defaults: &defaults
  webhook_url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/......
  notifiers: &default_notifiers
      channel: '#releases'
      username: My App Cookbooks
      icon_emoji: ':book:'
      channel: '#releases'
      username: My App
      icon_emoji: ':rocket:'
      channel: '#releases'
      username: My App
      icon_emoji: ':chart_with_upwards_trend:'
      channel: '#releases'
      username: My App
      icon_emoji: ':chart_with_downwards_trend:'

  <<: *defaults