##MakeChart - A simple tool to make an HTML bar chart out of an array
MakeChart is a simple script written in Python that takes an array and generates a bar chart.
- Author: Ryan McGreal
- Email: ryan@quandyfactory.com
- Homepage: http://quandyfactory.com/projects/56/makechart
- Repository: http://github.com/quandyfactory/MakeChart
###This Version
- Version: 0.2
- Release Date: 2010-04-21
###Revision History
####Version 0.2
- Release Date: 2010-07-06
- Changes:
- Moved bar title attribute from the up to the so you can see the bar title anywhere on the table cell.
- Moved bar title attribute from the
####Version 0.1
- Release Date: 2010-04-21
- Changes:
- First commit
###Using MakeChart
Save makechart.py in your PATH. See included example.py
file for basic usage demonstration.
###Wish List
- Make the bar height editable
- Add command line execution (via optparse)
- Make it a class?