
Practice VGG modeling with Adam optimizer

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Practice VGG modeling with Adam optimizer

  • Problem: Dog/cat classification (data from kaggle)
  • Algorithm: Convulational neural network, VGG-16
  • Optimizer: Adam
    • A high-dimension, first-order SGD → help with noisy objectives like dropout regularization (during training, remove random elements during each epoch to improve learning and increase accuracy)
    • Adam = AdaGrad + RNSProp

Doggo vs catto

Learning curve evaluation Model prediction on test data


Mostly for image recognition (VGG16 - 16 layers with weights). Base paper: Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition. This network competes with ResNet which is arguably considered better because it uses skip connections and inceptions to reduce long training time.

VGG16 is popular in vision/image model architectures

  • convolutional layers 3x3 filter, stride 1 (in same padding)
  • maxpool layer of 2x2 filter of stride 2
  • 2 fully connected layers
  • softmax for output
  • 16 means 16 layers with weights
  • large network - 138 million parameters

Key characteristics and parameters for layers of neural network:

from tensorflow.keras import Sequential

from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense   # dense = fully connected layers
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Flatten # flatten layer reduce to single 1D vector
					    	# as an input for a dense layer
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dropout  # for training: dropout regularization in 										
						# two of the fully connected layers										
						# to avoid overfitting: during each trainin
						# cycle, a random fraction of the dense layer
						# nodes turned off => random remove elements
						# to make the training harder!
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Conv2D   # number of layers? convolutional layers?
from tensorflow.keras.layers import MaxPooling2D  # one of the consistent config
						  # reduce dimension of the feature map
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
Structure Configurations

free notes:

  • convolutional layers (inside units are called channels)
  • fully connected layers
  • activation map
  • stride = a parameter of filter
  • training
    • optimizing logit regression
    • mini-batches to avoid vanishing gradient
    • dropout regularization in training

I have self-taught statistics, linear algebra, Python programming for this particular project. It was a fun experience. Any feedback is welcomed. A demo google colab with user-inferface is here and you can upload your own photo and let the model predict it.