
implement https://github.com/quanghung97/kafka-go +ELK to demo logging via kafka

Primary LanguageGo

Hub worker

Handler topic message from kafka and save it into elasticsearch to find track log


docker-compose up -d


make producer random UUID example and go run this

package main

import (

	config "github.com/quanghung97/kafka-go"

// global config
var configKafka = &config.Kafka{
	KafkaUrl:          "localhost:9092",
	NumPartitions:     12,
	ReplicationFactor: 1,

func testLog(msg string, a ...interface{}) {
	fmt.Printf(msg, a...)

func main() {
	defer configKafka.ProducerWriter.Close()
	fmt.Println(constants.PACKAGE_KAFKA_WRITER_SEND_MESSAGE + "start producing ... !!")
	for i := 0; ; i++ {
		key := fmt.Sprintf("Key-%d", i)
		configKafka.WriterSendMessage("topic-hub-logs", key, fmt.Sprint(uuid.New()), testLog)
		fmt.Printf("\n created msg %d \n", i)


Check info

Kibana working in localhost:5601 create discover to tracking data logs