
Vanilla Javascript in Actions

Primary LanguageHTML

Javascript projects for fun 🕺

Following the Javascript30 course from Wesbos. Added practicing guide and more knowledges for my purpose LEARN BY DOING 😉.

Goal after lesson 🔥

  1. Notes about the useful knowledges.
  2. Add a practice file with the detail of requirement.
  3. Some ideas can expand based on lesson (if needed).
  4. Finished file is for reference.

List Online Demo at CodePen 👨🏻‍💻

  1. Javascript Drum Kit
  2. JS + CSS Clock
  3. JS Var CSS
  4. Array Cardio Day 1
  5. Flex Panel Gallery
  6. Ajax Type Ahead
  7. Array Cardio Day 2
  8. Fun with HTML5 Canvas
  9. 14 Must know Dev Tool Tricks
  10. Hold Shift to check Multiple Checkboxes
  11. Custom HTML5 Video Player

Made with ❤ by Mun