tags completion source for nvim-cmp
-- Installation
use {
requires = {
-- if you want the sources is available for some file types
ft = {
config = function ()
require'cmp'.setup {
sources = {
name = 'tags',
option = {
-- this is the default options, change them if you want.
-- Delayed time after user input, in milliseconds.
complete_defer = 100,
-- Max items when searching `taglist`.
max_items = 10,
-- The number of characters that need to be typed to trigger
-- auto-completion.
keyword_length = 3,
-- Use exact word match when searching `taglist`, for better searching
-- performance.
exact_match = false,
-- Prioritize searching result for current buffer.
current_buffer_only = false,
-- more sources
If you are using cmp-nvim-lsp
with cmp-nvim-tags
, you may face a weird error
method workspace/symbol is not supported by any of the servers registered for the current buffer
This is because neovim will register tagfunc
as vim.lsp.tagfunc
when lsp is attached, and there's no attached lsps
supports workspace/symbol
method. To prevent this behavior, add the following code in your config file:
Besides, vim.lsp.tagfunc
may also have performance issue since it is calling
the lsp workspace/symbol
method firstly and fallback to the default when the
former one returns no result.
If you feel that use cmp-nvim-tags
is laggy, then you can consider to set tagfunc
to nil.
on_attach = function(bufnr, client)
vim.bo.tagfunc = nil
-- sqls is an example lsp that does not support workspace/symbol
-- change sqls to the lsp where the error happens
require('lspconfig').sqls.setup {
on_attach = on_attach
-- Occasionally, due to potential execution order issues: you might set tagfunc
-- to nil, but the LSP could re-register it later. So that you may need a
-- "brute force way" to ask neovim will always fallback to the default tag
-- search method immediately.
return vim.NIL
-- if tagfunc is already registered, nvim lsp will not try to set tagfunc as vim.lsp.tagfunc.
vim.o.tagfunc = "v:lua.TAGFUNC_ALWAYS_EMPTY"