A rofi-like menu for playing radio stations on MacOS.
- You can summon this radio poup from anywhere using skhd
- Enjoy without youtube ads
- choose-gui (rofi/dmenu style menu for MacOS)
- mpv (command-line video player)
- Download the dependencies with Homebrew.
brew install choose-gui mpv
- Now clone this repository and give the script executable permissions:
$ git clone https://github.com/quangnguyen30192/radio-beats
$ cd radio-beats
$ chmod +x radio-beats
- Add your radio database: create a music.csv file
Name, Link
Ngay mai nguoi ta lay chong,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WL11bwvAYWI&list=RDWL11bwvAYWI&start_radio=1
id 072019,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leJb3VhQCrg
CHẮC GÌ ANH YÊU CÔ ẤY - HƯƠNG LY VERSION PIANO,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LR0qtcldQ6M
OST NGU THUA HAN,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lgahj5-7fDI
MOT BUOC YEU VAN DAM DAU,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i41YbU4QuA,
NGAM PHAO HOA,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDCB-9Fy05Y
AI doi minh duoc mai,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNRnMqDl74M
- Link your music.csv to the script
- Now the script is ready to use!
The linux version of this script is pretty much identical, replacing notifications
function with notify-send
, and choose-gui
with rofi
- I'd highly recommend linking this script to a keybinding, using a tool such as skhd or sxhkd on linux. e.g my skhd config
cmd + shift - m :~/.yadr/bin/radio-beats
Now you could get your radio-beats up from anywhere
- The menu highlight color can be customized by changing the hex value in the
command preceded by the -b argument (default is set to 'ff79c6'). - The menu width can be changed my modifying the value after the -w tag of the
command. - you could extend the script to get tmux or your status bar keeps track what song is playing