
phpMyAdmin as Docker container, based on official image, always latest version

Primary LanguagePHP

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phpMyAdmin as Docker container

This container may be used with MySQL or MariaDB linked containers.

If you like this image - you may also like set of images for WebServer.

How to use

With MySQL:

docker run --name mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my_password -d mysql
docker run --rm --link mysql:mysql -p 1234:80 nazarpc/phpmyadmin

With MariaDB:

docker run --name mariadb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my_password -d mariadb
docker run --rm --link mariadb:mysql -p 1234:80 nazarpc/phpmyadmin

(internally it should be called mysql anyway)

After these commands you'll be able to access phpMyAdmin via http://localhost:1234, press Ctrl+C to stop container, and it will be removed automatically (because of --rm option). Feel free to change 1234 to any port you like.

Specify allowed upload file size

Sometimes it is necessary to upload big dump which doesn't fit into default limit 128M. You can specify alternative size via environment variable UPLOAD_SIZE:

docker run --rm --link mysql:mysql -p 1234:80 -e UPLOAD_SIZE=1G nazarpc/phpmyadmin

Increase session timeout

The default session timeout is just 1440 seconds (24 minutes). You can specify an alternative timeout by setting the environment variable SESSION_TIMEOUT:

docker run --rm --link mysql:mysql -p 1234:80 -e SESSION_TIMEOUT=86400 nazarpc/phpmyadmin

Customize host name

By default phpMyAdmin assumes MySQL is available through mysql hostname. Sometimes this is not the case, so you can override this with environmental variable MYSQL_HOST:

docker run --rm --link mysql:mysql -p 1234:80 -e MYSQL_HOST=mariadb:9999 nazarpc/phpmyadmin

Examples of valid MYSQL_HOST:

  • mariadb - hostname mariadb
  • mariadb:9999 - hostname mariadb with port 9999
  • mariadb;root - hostname mariadb with user root
  • mariadb;root;123 - hostname mariadb with user root & password 123
  • mariadb:9999;root;123 - hostname mariadb with user root, password 123 & port 9999
  • mysql, mariadb:9999, mariadb:9999;root;123 - multiple servers

Allow connecting to arbitrary MySQL host

docker run --rm --link mysql:mysql -p 1234:80 -e ALLOW_ARBITRARY=1 nazarpc/phpmyadmin

Custom URI of phpMyAdmin instance

Sometimes phpMyAdmin may determine its own URI incorrectly. Usually you can fix it by correcting virtual host of revers proxy, but sometimes it might be useful to specify URI explicitly:

docker run --rm --link mysql:mysql -p 1234:80 -e ABSOLUTE_URI=https://domain.tld/phpmyadmin nazarpc/phpmyadmin

Custom phpMyAdmin settings

You can specify any PMA-config-setting using a JSON object passed to JSON_CONFIG, that will be merged to the existing config.

docker run --rm --link mysql:mysql -p 1234:80 -e JSON_CONFIG='{"AllowUserDropDatabase": true,"MaxTableList": 450, "NavigationTreeTableSeparator": "_"}' nazarpc/phpmyadmin

Custom ports for HTTP and HTTPS inside the container

If you need Apache to listen on ports other than the default 80 and 443 (e.g. when running the container with a non-privileged user) specify alternative values via the environment variables HTTP_PORT and HTTPS_PORT:

docker run --rm --user 1001 -p 8080:8080 -p 4443:4443 -e HTTP_PORT=8080 -e HTTPS_PORT=4443 nazarpc/phpmyadmin

Difference from other similar images with phpMyAdmin

This image doesn't use any custom base, just official PHP 7.2 container with built-in Apache2 web server. There is support for importing SQL dumps in all compression formats supported by phpMyAdmin. There is possibility to connect to multiple servers of your choice or even to arbitrary servers if necessary.

Also this image generates blowfish_secret configuration option (unique for each container instance, you don't have to rebuild it yourself) on each container start, so that you will automatically use cookie sessions (for your convenience).

Plus, I'll try to keep it up to date with new releases of phpMyAdmin (as well as PHP itself and other software inside image), so, by using nazarpc/phpmyadmin image you'll always have latest versions.

Note: This image is ready for running on OpenShift, which runs the container using a non-privileged user. You'll need to specify unprivileged ports for Apache (see above).


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