Bug in RunComputeProfiles
Closed this issue · 1 comments
stephane-caron commented
In the following setting:
discrtimestep = 1e-4
sdbeg_min, sdbeg_max = 0., 1e-4
trajectorystring = """1.000000
1.02380743853 -0.621211430375 6.66133814775e-16 -4.4408920985e-16
-0.294007923442 -0.228798693785 1.66533453694e-16 0.0"""
(TOPPbindings.)RunVIP finds the correct sd_end, but RunComputeProfiles returns 0 (i.e. no solution).
stephane-caron commented
(Solved by Cuong:) My bad, here sd_end_min=4>0, so RunComputeProfiles(0, 0) cannot find a solution.