- 2
- 2
Add `isUserInteractionEnabled`
#33 opened by olegtverdyy - 2
- 2
After Toast dismiss and auto push to next View , NavigationBar height not correct
#32 opened by ACFancy - 2
change Toast position
#22 opened by rami-almofleh - 4
Hide toast when system alert occurs
#29 opened by nepysb - 3
more docs on calendar-popup-shiny.R
#36 opened by nick-youngblut - 2
Improve compile time
#27 opened by skywalkerlw - 1
#37 opened by nick-youngblut - 2
- 3
Showing ToastUI on app load
#30 opened by rursache - 7
A ToastUI triggering while a SwiftUI Menu is active can sometimes later cause sheets to fail to open.
#21 opened by JonnyReinEriksen - 1
[Security] Workflow swiftlint.yml is using vulnerable action actions/checkout
#25 opened by akulpillai - 1
IOS 15 when datePicker show
#24 opened by luckycherry - 1
Compiler Warning since ios15
#26 opened by scherhak - 17
dismissAfter not dismissing on iOS13
#6 opened by LucasCarioca - 6
ToastUI Warning attempt to dismiss from view controller (thousands) on 1.3.x
#20 opened by rocketraman - 7
- 2
Not able to compile
#15 opened by WePlayOffical - 2
Custom toast question
#16 opened by barrylachapelle - 4
Can I choose to not have background?
#8 opened by wyk111wyk - 3
IndefiniteProgressToastViewStyle has spinner constantly moving from top left to the toast
#2 opened by roddymunro - 3
- 2