
Emacs Init file

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Emacs Config

this is a long time emacs user's init file for data science and general AI engineering. This is established primarily for productivity gains across multiple OS enviornments including windows.

Tech required

here is a list of tech/software used for this

  • emacs - editor, need i say more!
  • cygwin - Get that Linux feeling! on Windows
  • python - when you have a hammer ...
  • Dilliger - when you are lazy at markdowns

Note to self: Improve this documentation!!!


Get cygwin! - native shell/bash control is considerably better than any of the other available tools (mysys, powershell or minigw). it needs minimal installation without the need for VM or vagrant based setups

  • Here is what you will need - emacs-w32, fish, py3, numpy, boost, openssh, R, sqlalchemy, postgres, git, py3-pip, py3-setuptools, libboost, py3-wheel

Emacs Essentials!

We will need all of these - ESS, Elpy, ido, ample-zen, magit, font: Mplus Moving to Doom doom


  • Write MORE Tests
  • Add Night Mode



Free Software, Hell Yeah!