
Official implementation of Half-Quadratic Quantization (HQQ)

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Half-Quadratic Quantization (HQQ)

This folder contains the code to perform Half-Quadratic Quantization (HQQ) presented in our article: https://mobiusml.github.io/hqq_blog/

WHat is HQQ?

HQQ is a fast and accurate model quantizer that skips the need for calibration data. It's super simple to implement (just a few lines of code for the optimizer). It can crunch through quantizing the Llama2-70B model in only 4 minutes! 🚀


First, make sure you have a Pytorch 2 version that matches your CUDA version: https://pytorch.org/

You can install hqq via pip install hqq.

To get the latest version, you can install the core library directly via pip install git+https://github.com/mobiusml/hqq.git.

Alternatively, clone the repo and run pip install . from this current folder.

Important ⚠️

If you are using a virtual machine on the cloud, make sure you limit the number of threads to only those available. Otherwise, processing will be unusually slow, especially for the GPTQ benchmark. You can do that by limiting the OMP threads:

num_threads=32; OMP_NUM_THREADS=$num_threads CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python 

Basic Usage

To perform quantization with HQQ, you simply need to replace the linear layers ( torch.nn.Linear) as follows:

from hqq.core.quantize import *
#Quantization settings
quant_config = BaseQuantizeConfig(nbits=4, group_size=64, quant_zero=True, quant_scale=False)
#Replace your linear layer 
hqq_layer = HQQLinear(your_linear_layer, quant_config, compute_dtype=torch.float16, device='cuda', del_orig=True)
#del_orig=True will remove the original linear layer from memory
#You can specify the CUDA device on which you want to quantize the model

The quantization parameters are set as follows:

  • nbits (int): supports 8, 4, 3, 2, 1 bits.
  • group_size (int): no restrictions as long as weight.numel() is divisible by the group_size.
  • quant_zero (bool): if True, it quantizes the zero-point to 8-bit without grouping.
  • quant_scale (bool): if True, it quantizes the scaling factor to 8-bit with a group_size of 128.

Additionally, you can set offload_meta=True to offload the meta-data to the CPU. This drastically decreases the GPU memory requirements but makes processing slightly slower for smaller group-sizes. With offload_meta=True, you can run Llama2-70B and Mixtral with HQQ 2-bit using only 18.8GB and 13GB VRAM respectively!

You can try to change the backend which could speed-up the runtime:

HQQLinear.set_backend(HQQBackend.PYTORCH)                  #Pytorch backend (default) 
HQQLinear.set_backend(HQQBackend.PYTORCH_BACKPROP)         #Same as BACKPROP but supports the backward pass
HQQLinear.set_backend(HQQBackend.PYTORCH_COMPILE)          #Compiled Pytorch
HQQLinear.set_backend(HQQBackend.PYTORCH_BACKPROP_COMPILE) #Same as PYTORCH_COMPILE, but supports the backward pass
HQQLinear.set_backend(HQQBackend.ATEN)                     #C++ Aten/Torch backend (CUDA and Pytorch)
HQQLinear.set_backend(HQQBackend.ATEN_BACKPROP)            #Same as ATEN but supports the backward pass 

We recommend you use the HQQBackend.ATEN_BACKPROP backend for faster processing. You can install as follows:

cd hqq/kernels && python setup_cuda.py install;

The HQQBackend.ATEN_BACKPROP backend with setup_cuda uses CUDA kernels for the dequantization step. This leads to a significant speed-up compared to PYTORCH_COMPILE and can be combined with torch.compile(model) for even faster runtime:

Titan RTX A100

Supported Models


  • Llama (Hugging Face + VLLM) 🦙
  • Mistral (Hugging Face)
  • Mixtral-8x7B (Hugging Face)
  • Phi + Phi_opt (Hugging Face)


  • ViT-CLIP (timm) 🖼️

Hugging Face 🤗

First, make sure you have your Hugging Face token properly set via:

huggingface-cli login --token <your-token>

You can quantize a Hugging Face model as follows:

from hqq.engine.hf import HQQModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
model_id   = 'meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf'

#Load model on the CPU
model     = HQQModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) 

#Quantize the model
from hqq.core.quantize import *
quant_config = BaseQuantizeConfig(nbits=4, group_size=64)
model.quantize_model(quant_config=quant_config, compute_dtype=torch.float16, device='cuda') 

#Optional: set backend

You can save/load a quantized model as follows:

#Save the quantized model
model.save_quantized(model, save_dir=save_dir)
#Load from local directory or Hugging Face Hub on a specific device
model = HQQModelForCausalLM.from_quantized(save_dir_or_hfhub, device='cuda')

Alternatively, you can also work with models created via transformers.AutoModelForCausalLM:

from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id) 
HQQModelForCausalLM.quantize_model_(model, quant_config=quant_config, device='cuda')

For multimodal models, you can quantize the models separately. Here's an example that quantizes the Llama language model in Llava:

#Load the model on CPU
import transformers
model_id  = "llava-hf/llava-1.5-13b-hf",
processor = transformers.AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(model_id)
model     = transformers.LlavaForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_id)

#Quantize and offload to GPU
from hqq.core.quantize import *
from hqq.models.hf.llama import LlamaHQQ
LlamaHQQ.quantize_model(model.language_model, quant_config=BaseQuantizeConfig(nbits=4, group_size=64))

#Use fp16 CLIP and tower
model.vision_tower          = model.vision_tower.half().cuda()
model.multi_modal_projector = model.multi_modal_projector.half().cuda()
model                       = model.eval();

#Optimize/compile (Optional)
model.vision_tower          = torch.compile(model.vision_tower)
model.multi_modal_projector = torch.compile(model.multi_modal_projector)


By default, VLLM is not installed to avoid CUDA version problems. Make sure you install the right version that matches your CUDA settings (vllm <= 0.2.2): https://docs.vllm.ai/en/latest/getting_started/installation.html

After installation, you can quantize VLLM models as follows:

from hqq.engine.vllm import HQQLLM
model_id = 'meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf'

#Loads the model (on CPU)
model = HQQLLM(model=model_id)

#Quantize the model and dispatch on GPU
from hqq.core.quantize import *
quant_config = BaseQuantizeConfig(nbits=4, group_size=64)

#Optional: set backend

Additionally, you can use the quantized model in Langchain (requires pip install langchain) as follows:

from hqq.engine.vllm import LangchainVLLM
llm = LangchainVLLM(max_new_tokens=1000, top_p=0.90, temperature=0.6).set(model)
print(llm("Who is Elon Musk?"))

You can save/load a quantized model as follows:

#Save the quantized model
model.save_quantized(model, save_dir=save_dir)
#Load from local directory or Hugging Face Hub
model = HQQLLM.from_quantized(save_dir_or_hfhub)


  • The VLLM backend only works with a single GPU for now.
  • Only VLLM models created via save_quantized can be loaded with HQQLLM.from_quantized.

Timm 🖼️

Timm backend is also supported. Here's how you use it:

model_id = 'vit_large_patch14_clip_224.laion2b'

#Load model on the CPU
from hqq.engine.timm import HQQtimm
model = HQQtimm.create_model(model_id, pretrained=True)

#Quantize the model
from hqq.core.quantize import *
quant_config = BaseQuantizeConfig(nbits=4, group_size=64)
model.quantize_model(quant_config=quant_config, compute_dtype=torch.float16)

#Optional: set backend

You can save/load the quantized models as follows:

#Save the quantized model
model.save_quantized(model, save_dir=save_dir)
#Load from local directory or Hugging Face Hub
model = HQQtimm.from_quantized(save_dir_or_hfhub)

Quantize Custom Models 🗜️

If you want to quantize your own model architecture, you need to write a patching logic that goes through all the linear layers and replaces them with HQQLinear. You can follow the examples provided in hqq/models.

Custom Quantization Configurations ⚙️

You can specify different quantization configs for different layers by feeding a dictionary in the form linear_tag: BaseQuantizeConfig(), The following example uses 4-bit for self_attn.v_proj and 2-bit for the rest of the layers:

from hqq.core.quantize import *
linear_tags  = HQQModelForCausalLM.get_linear_tags(model) #List of tags for the linear layers of the model
q2_config    = BaseQuantizeConfig(nbits=2, group_size=16, quant_scale=True) #2-bit config
q4_config    = BaseQuantizeConfig(nbits=4, group_size=64, quant_zero=True, quant_scale=False) #4-bit config
quant_config = dict([(k, q2_config) for k in linear_tags])
quant_config['self_attn.v_proj'] = q4_config


LoRA Training

You can use HQQ for lora training as follows:

#First, quantize/load a quantized HQQ model the
from hqq.core.peft import PeftUtils

base_lora_params = {'lora_type':'default', 'r':32, 'lora_alpha':64, 'dropout':0.05, 'train_dtype':torch.float32}
lora_params      = {'self_attn.q_proj': base_lora_params,
                    'self_attn.k_proj': base_lora_params,
                    'self_attn.v_proj': base_lora_params,
                    'self_attn.o_proj': base_lora_params,
                    'mlp.gate_proj'   : None,
                    'mlp.up_proj'     : None,
                    'mlp.down_proj'   : None}

PeftUtils.add_lora(model, lora_params)

#Optional: faster but might not work on older GPUs

#Train ....

#Convert lora weights to the same model dtype for faster inference
PeftUtils.cast_lora_weights(model, dtype=torch.float16)

We provide a complete example to train a model with HQQ/LoRA that you can find in examples/lora/train_hqq_lora_example.py.

If you want to use muti-gpu training via FSDP, check out this awesome repo by Answer.AI: https://github.com/AnswerDotAI/fsdp_qlora


We provide a variety of examples demonstrating model quantization across different backends within the examples directory.

In the examples/llama2_benchmarkdirectory, you'll find code to replicate our Llama2 benchmark. By default, this benchmark quantizes the Llama2-7B model with 4-bit precision and provides perplexity metrics on wikitext-2.

To execute the benchmark, ensure you have the datasets package installed by running pip install datasets. Additionally, for the GPTQ and AWQ demos, you'll need to install the following packages: pip install auto-gptq[triton]==0.4.2 autoawq==0.1.4 triton==2.0.0

After installation, configure your Hugging Face 🤗 token either through the command line or within the demo files, and you're all set!

Citation 📜

title  = {Half-Quadratic Quantization of Large Machine Learning Models},
url    = {https://mobiusml.github.io/hqq_blog/},
author = {Hicham Badri and Appu Shaji},
month  = {November},
year   = {2023}