Spin Mean Force Gibbs State
- SMFGS: contains the code for computing the MFGS expectation values of a spin; structured as a Julia module
- run: contains example code using the module; in particular contains the scripts used to generate the plots for the paper
- data: contains data generated using this library; in particular contains data used for the plots of the paper
- plot: contains a Jupyter notebook with code to plot the results; in particular contains the code used for the plots of the paper
To use the contained run scripts, the user should change into the folder where the scripts are located and then run them as
julia -t n ./script-name.jl
where script-name is the name of the script that one wants to run, and n is the number of threads for parallelization of the computations (for example "-t 3" would spawn 3 threads). If run this way, the output of the scripts will be saved into the data folder. If one wants to change the output directory or filename, all that is required is modifying the filename variable defined inside of each script.