PeeringDB Mirror

This repository implements a simple, Django-based PeeringDB mirroring service based on django-peeringdb and peeringdb-py.

Currently, this doesn't have full PeeringDB API compatibility, but there is a sufficiently strong foundation to make that dream easily achievable through a bit of Django metaprogramming. PRs welcome!


  1. Clone this repository: git clone;
  2. Enter the cloned repo: cd peeringdb-mirror;
  3. Create a virtualenv: python3 -m venv venv;
  4. Activate the virtualenv for all subsequent commands: . venv/bin/activate;
  5. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt;
  6. Configure Django: cp peeringdb_mirror/settings/{template,local}.py and edit peeringdb_mirror/settings/ You should change SECRET_KEY and update DATABASES. See the linked Django documentation for details;
  7. Migrate database: python migrate;
  8. Run initial database sync from PeeringDB: python sync_peeringdb; and
  9. Run the WSGI app peeringdb_mirror.wsgi:application with your favourite WSGI-capable application server; and
  10. Set up a cron job to run the sync_peeringdb command every hour: 0 * * * * /path/to/venv/bin/python /path/to/repo/ sync_peeringdb.

Example uWSGI configuration in production

If you choose to run uWSGI, you can use the following configuration provided for your convenience:

uid = peeringdb
gid = peeringdb
protocol = uwsgi
; For TCP socket
socket = :1234
; For Unix socket, you can do
; socket = /tmp/peeringdb-mirror.sock
master = true
pythonpath = /path/to/peeringdb-mirror
module = peeringdb_mirror.wsgi:application
buffer-size = 8192
die-on-term = true
workers = 3
threads = 4

Save this as peeringdb.ini. You can install uwsgi in the virtualenv by doing pip install uwsgi and run it with the following systemd unit:

Description=PeeringDB mirror

ExecStart=/path/to/peeringdb-mirror/venv/bin/uwsgi /path/to/peeringdb.ini
