
Communicate with EtherNet/IP devices using explicit messaging in CoDeSys!

MIT LicenseMIT



CoDeSys_EIP is a CoDeSys library that allows your CoDeSys controller (IPC) to communicate with various EtherNet/IP (EIP) capable devices such as Allen Bradley / Rockwell programmable logic controller (PLC) through tag based communication or Fanuc robot with EIP set/get attributes; both via explicit messaging.


In CoDeSys, the current method of communicating with the Rockwell PLC is through implicit messaging. This means you need to set up a generic EIP module on each device and for each task (input/output), where you specify the number of bytes for sending and receiving based on some form of polling (RPI) or triggered / event-based. This is not very flexible as you would need to modify the PLC's code by copying its address data into the EIP module buffer, and then repeat for the IPC... for each PLC that you want to connect to. Additionally, Rockwell PLCs must be the EIP scanner (server), so your device needs to be configured as the EIP adapter (client). Similar for the Fanuc robot, there is no easy way to exchange data from the robot to the Rockwell PLC unless the Enhanced Data Access (EDA) package is purchased. Even then, you still need to use a Rockwell PLC. This library allows your CoDeSys IPC to communicate with the robot controller without additional overhead (see Examples/Fanuc).

CoDeSys_EIP was first inspired by a Python library called PyLogix and has been improved to handle STRUCTs and generic EIP services. For the control engineers out there, you might already know that writing PLC code is not as flexible as writing higher level languages such as Python/Java/etc, where you can create variables with virtually any data type on the fly; thus, this library was heavily modified to accomodate control requirements. It is written to operate asynchronously (non-blocking) to avoid watchdog alerts, which means you make the call and be notified when data has been read/written succesfully. If you need to read multiple variables in one scan, then you can create a lower priority task and place the calls into a WHILE loop (see Examples/Rockwell/Read-Write_Tags_RPi.project). At least 95% of the library leverages pointers for efficiency, so it might not be straight forward to digest at first. The documentation / comments is not too bad, but feel free to raise issues if needed.

Getting started

Create an function block instance in your CoDeSys program, and specify the PLC's IP and port. Then create some variables:

    _PLC                            : CoDeSys_EIP.Device(sIpAddress:='', uiPort:=44818);
    _bReadTag_codesys_bool          : BOOL;
    _siReadTag_codesys_sint         : SINT;
    _usiReadTag_codesys_usint       : USINT;
    _iReadTag_codesys_int           : INT;
    _uiReadTag_codesys_uint         : UINT;
    _diReadTag_codesys_dint         : DINT;
    _udiReadTag_codesys_udint       : UDINT;
    _liReadTag_codesys_lint         : LINT;
    _uliReadTag_codesys_ulint       : ULINT;
    _rReadTag_codesys_real          : REAL;
    _lrReadTag_codesys_lreal        : LREAL;
    _sReadTag_codesys_string        : STRING;
    _stReadTag_codesys_mixed        : stMixDatatype; // contains all data types above in random order
    _stReadTag_testCaseFiveStrings  : stString25; // custom string size of 25 chars
    _stReadTag_testCaseFiveStrings2 : ARRAY [1..2] OF stString25; // two stString25 elements for multi-read/write

    _bWriteTag_codesys_bool_local   : BOOL; // program tag
    _stWriteTag_codesys_string      : stString; // STRUCT with string length (DINT) and string (82 is termination)

In your code, toggle bEnable of _PLC to TRUE. There is optional bAutoReconnect to re-establish session if terminated from idling.

Data alignment:

Allen Bradley is 4/8 bytes aligned, so make sure you specify CoDeSys STRUCTs with {attribute 'pack_mode' := '4'}. Read the CoDeSys pack mode.

Reading Tag


  • Add "Program:{programName}." prefix to read program tags (e.g. Program:MainProgram.codesys_bool_local)
  • Possible arguments for bRead:
    • psTag (POINTER TO STRING) [required]: Pointer to the string tag [e.g. psTag:=ADR('codesys_bool')]. If string is empty, bRead throws error and returns FALSE.
      • You can also point to a STRING instead [e.g. psTag:=ADR(_sMyTestString)].
    • eDataType (ENUM) [required]: Expected CIP data type. If read response does not match, a read error is raised (avoids buffer overflow).
    • pbBuffer (POINTER TO BYTE) [required]: Pointer to the output buffer.
    • uiSize (UINT): Size of the output buffer (pbBuffer).
    • uiElements (UINT): Elements to be requested; used when specifying array.
      • Default: 1
    • psId (POINTER TO STRING): Pointer to caller id [e.g. psId:=ADR('Read#1: ')].
      • Useful for troubleshooting. If you incorrectly declare your tag codesys_boo instead of codesys_bool, a Path Segment Error would typically be returned. By declaring psId:=ADR('Read#1: '), sError will return 'Read#1: Path Segment Error' to let you know of the CIP error.
    • bUnconnected (BOOL): Forces unconnected messaging (Send RR Data) if TRUE.
  • bRead returns TRUE on successful read.

Below reads the PLC controller tag codesys_bool with data type of BOOL and writes to a CoDeSys BOOL called _bReadTag_codesys_bool.

            psId:=ADR('Read#1: '));

Below reads the PLC controller tag codesys_dint with data type of DINT and writes to a CoDeSys DINT called _diReadTag_codesys_dint.


Below reads the PLC controller tag codesys_lreal with data type of LREAL and writes to a CoDeSys LREAL called _lrReadTag_codesys_lreal.


Below reads the PLC controller tag codesys_string with data type of STRUCT and writes to a CoDeSys STRING called _sReadTag_codesys_string. Note: If you do not specify uiSize, then the output will only contain the string data and not the string length (DINT).


Below reads the PLC controller UDT codesys_mixed with data type of a "complex" STRUCT and writes to a CoDeSys STRUCT called _stReadTag_codesys_mixed. Note: Specify the size of the CoDeSys STRUCT. See Examples/Rockwell folder for more details.


Below reads the PLC tag codesys_string_local of a program called MainProgram with data type of STRUCT and writes to a CoDeSys STRUCT called _stReadTag_codesys_string_local. Note: Specify uiSize since STRUCT also has string length (DINT). See Examples/Rockwell folder for more details.


Below reads the array index 3 of a PLC controller tag testCaseFiveStrings with data type of STRING25 and writes to a CoDeSys STRUCT called _stReadTag_testCaseFiveStrings. Note: Specify uiSize since STRUCT also has string length (DINT). See Examples/Rockwell folder for more details.


Below reads 2 elements (starting index of 1) from PLC controller tag testCaseFiveStrings with data type of STRING25 and writes to a CoDeSys STRUCT called _stReadTag_testCaseFiveStrings2. Note: Specify uiSize since STRUCT also has string length (DINT). See Examples/Rockwell folder for more details.


Writing Tag


  • Add "Program:{programName}." prefix to write program tags (e.g. Program:MainProgram.codesys_bool_local)
  • If you are writting to a tag that has not been read in yet, then an extra read request is performed first, and the STRUCT identifier of the response data is captured in _stKnownStructs "dictionary". All subsequent writes of the same tag will perform a dictionary look up to save time.
  • Possible arguments for bWrite:
    • psTag (POINTER TO STRING) [required]: Pointer to the string tag [e.g. psTag:=ADR('codesys_bool')]. If string is empty, bWrite throws error and returns FALSE.
      • You can also point to a STRING instead [e.g. psTag:=ADR(_sMyTestString)].
    • eDataType (ENUM) [required]: Defined CIP data type. If write response does not match, a write error is raised.
    • pbBuffer (POINTER TO BYTE) [required]: Pointer to the input buffer.
    • uiSize (UINT): Size of the input buffer (pbBuffer).
    • uiElements (UINT): Elements to be requested; used when specifying array.
      • Default: 1
    • psId (POINTER TO STRING): Pointer to caller id [e.g. psId:=ADR('Write#1: ')].
      • Useful for troubleshooting; output to _PLC.sError.
    • bUnconnected (BOOL): Forces unconnected messaging (Send RR Data) if TRUE.
  • bWrite returns TRUE on successful write

Below writes the CoDeSys BOOL called _bWriteTag_codesys_bool_local to the PLC tag codesys_bool_local of a program called MainProgram

            psId:=ADR('Write#19: '));

Below writes the CoDeSys LREAL called _lrWriteTag_codesys_lreal_local to the PLC tag codesys_lreal_local of a program called MainProgram


Below writes the CoDeSys STRUCT called _stWriteTag_codesys_string to the PLC controller tag codesys_string.
NOTE: Writing to a PLC string must follow the format of a STRUCT made up of length (DINT) and a STRING. Specify the length before writing! See Examples/Rockwell folder for more details


Set/Get Attributes


  • You will need to create a STRUCT and specify what you are getting/setting
    • You could share the same STRUCT if space is a concern (i.e. use _stCipService : CoDeSys_EIP.stCipService for both set/get)
  • Possible arguments for bGetAttributeAll, bSetAttributeAll, bGetAttributeSingle, bSetAttributeSingle, bGetAttributeList, bSetAttributeList:
    • stSTRUCT (STRUCT) [required]: Struct element.
    • pbBuffer (POINTER TO BYTE) [required]: Pointer to either input/output buffer based on type set/get.
    • uiSize (UINT) [required]: Size of input/output buffer (pbBuffer).
    • psId (POINTER TO STRING): Pointer to caller id [e.g. psId:=ADR('GetPlcTime: ')].
      • Useful for troubleshooting; output to _PLC.sError.
    • bUnconnected (BOOL): Forces unconnected messaging (Send RR Data) if TRUE.
  • Possible arguments for bGenericService: typically populate either pbInBuffer/uiInSize or pbOutBuffer/uiOutSize
    • stSTRUCT (STRUCT) [required]: Struct element.
    • pbInBuffer (POINTER TO BYTE): Pointer to input buffer.
    • uiInSize (UINT): Size of input buffer.
    • pbOutBuffer (POINTER TO BYTE): Pointer to output buffer.
    • uiOutSize (UINT): Size of output buffer.
    • psId (POINTER TO STRING): Pointer to caller id [e.g. psId:=ADR('ExecPCCC: ')].
      • Useful for troubleshooting; output to _PLC.sError.
    • bUnconnected (BOOL): Forces unconnected messaging (Send RR Data) if TRUE.
  • Function returns TRUE on successful read/write
  • See Examples/Rockwell/Set-Get_Attribute_RPi.project for more details
  • Examples:
    • Create a re-usable STRUCT or one for each service type: _stCipService : CoDeSys_EIP.stCipService;
    • Get PLC audit value (checksum)
      • Create a LWORD/ULINT for the result: _lwAuditValue : LWORD;
      • Specify parameters:
        • _stCipService.class := 16#8E; // 142
        • _stCipService.instance := 16#01; // 1
        • _stCipService.attribute := 16#1B; // 27
      • Call function bGetAttributeSingle(stCipService:=_stCipService, pbBuffer:=ADR(_lwAuditValue), uiSize:=SIZEOF(_lwAuditValue), psId:=ADR('AuditValue: '))
        • If there is an error, message will have header of AuditValue
    • Set PLC Change To Detect Mask
      • Create a LWORD/ULINT for the value: _lwMask : LWORD;
      • Specify parameters:
        • _stCipService.class := 16#8E; // 142
        • _stCipService.instance := 16#01; // 1
        • _stCipService.attribute := 16#1C; // 28
      • Call function bSetAttributeSingle(stCipService:=_stCipService, pbBuffer:=ADR(_lwMask), uiSize:=SIZEOF(_lwMask), psId:=ADR('Mask: '))
        • If there is an error, message will have header of Mask
    • Get the PLC time (look at bGetPlcTime() to see how it is implemented)
      • Create a STRUCT to store result: _stPlcTime : stPlcTime;
      • Specify parameters:
        • _stCipService.class := 16#8B; // 139
        • _stCipService.instance := 16#01; // 1
        • _stCipService.attributeCount := 16#01; // 1
        • _stCipService.attributeList[1] := 16#0B; // we are only getting one attribute here
      • Call function bGetAttributeList(stCipService:=_stCipService, pbBuffer:=ADR(_stPlcTime), uiSize:=SIZEOF(_stPlcTime), psId:=ADR('GetPlcTime: '))
    • Set the PLC time (look at bSetPlcTime(ULINT) to see how it is implemented)
      • Create a ULINT that stores time in microseconds: _uliSetTime : ULINT;
      • Specify parameters:
        • _stCipService.class := 16#8B; // 139
        • _stCipService.instance := 16#01; // 1
        • _stCipService.attributeCount := 16#01; // 1
        • _stCipService.attributeList[1] := 16#06; // 6
      • Call function bSetAttributeList(stCipService:=_stCipService, pbBuffer:=ADR(_uliSetTime), uiSize:=SIZEOF(_uliSetTime), psId:=ADR('SetPlcTime: '))

But does it work?

Yes... 60% of the time, it works every time. Testing was done using a Raspberry Pi 3, with CoDeSys runtime installed, to communicate with a Rockwell 5069-L330ERMS2/A safety PLC. Each read/write instruction averaged approximately 3.7 milliseconds using WiFi and around 900 microseconds over wired in test project (see Examples/Rockwell/Read-Write_Tags_RPi.project), but your mileage might vary. You will need to install SysTime and OSCAT Basic (this is for time formatting).

Tested controllers:

  • 1769-L33ERMS/A
  • 1769-L36ERMS/A
  • 5069-L330ERMS2/A
  • 1756-L81E/B

Current features

List Identity

bGetListIdentity() (BOOL) is automatically called after TCP connection is established to return device info. You could scan your network for other EtherNet/IP capable devices.

  • Examples:
    • Retrieve single parameter as UINT using: _uiVendorId := _PLC.uiVendorId;
      • Output: 1
    • Retrieve single parameter as STRING using: _sVendorId := _PLC.sVendorId;
      • Output: 'Rockwell Automation/Allen-Bradley'
    • Retrieve entire STRUCT using: _stDevice := _PLC.stListIdentity;
      • Requires STRUCT variable: _stDevice : CoDeSys_EIP.stListIdentity;
      • Output:
        • encapsulationVersion: 1
        • socketFamily: 2
        • socketPort: 44818
        • socketAddress: ''
        • socketZero: 0
        • vendorId: 'Rockwell Automation/Allen-Bradley'
        • deviceType: 'Programmable Logic Controller'
        • productCode: 223
        • revision: '32.11'
        • status: '0x3060'
        • serialNumber: '0x60D789F4'
        • productName: '5069-L330ERMS2/A'
        • state: 3
    • To make status (e.g. '0x3060') more meaningful:
      • Requires STRUCT variable: _stDeviceStatus := CoDeSys_EIP.stListIdentityStatus;
      • Retrieve using _stDeviceStatus := _PLC.stDeviceStatus;
      • Output:
        • owned: FALSE
        • configured: FALSE
        • extendedDeviceStatus: 'At least one I/O connection in run mode'
        • faulted: TRUE
        • minorRecoverableFault: TRUE
        • minorUnrecoverableFault: FALSE
        • majorRecoverableFault: FALSE
        • majorUnrecoverableFault: FALSE
    • To make state (e.g. 3) more meaningful, use sDeviceState:

Get/Set PLC time

bGetPlcTime() (BOOL) requests the current PLC time. The function can handle 64b time up to nanoseconds resolution, but the PLC's accuracy is only available at the microseconds.

  • Example:
    • Retrieve time as STRING: _sPlcTime := _PLC.sPlcTime;
      • Output: 'LDT#2020-07-10-01:05:59.409036000'
    • Retrieve time in microseconds as ULINT: _uliPlcTime := _PLC.uliPlcTime;
      • Output: 1593815478238754

bSetPlcTime(ULINT) (BOOL) sets the PLC time.

  • Examples:
    • Synchronize PLC's time to IPC's time: bSetPlcTime()
    • Set a PLC time to Friday, July 3, 2020 10:31:18 PM GMT with seconds level accuracy in microseconds: bSetPlcTime(1593815478000000)
    • NOTE: Look at built-in Timestamp function block

Detect Code Changes

From a security perspective, it is useful to detect changes on the Rockwell PLC. bGetPlcAuditValue() (BOOL) requests the PLC audit value.

  • Example:
    • Retrieve audit value as ULINT: _uliAuditValue := _PLC.uliAuditValue;
      • Output: 12650121977826373092 (16#AF8E42EA65B3EDE4)
    • Retrieve audit value as STRING: _sAuditValue := _PLC.sAuditValue;
      • Output: '0xAF8E42EA65B3EDE4'

bGetPlcMask() (BOOL) requests the PLC Change To Detect mask.

  • Example:
    • Retrieve mask value as ULINT: _uliMask := _PLC.uliMask;
      • Output: 18446744073709551615 (16#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
    • Retrieve mask value as STRING: _sMask := _PLC.sMask;
      • Output: '0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'

bSetPlcMask(ULINT) (BOOL) should set the PLC Change To Detect mask.

NOTE: currently throwing a Privilege Violation error, need to investigate.

  • Examples:
    • Set the mask to 0xFFFF: bSetPlcMask(65535) or bSetPlcMask(16#FFFF)

Useful parameters (SET/GET)

NOTE: There are a lot more, so dive into library to see what works best for you

  • bAutoReconnect (BOOL) re-establishes session if PLC closes it after idling (no read/write request) for roughly 60 seconds.
    • Default: FALSE
    • Example set: _PLC.bAutoReconnect := TRUE;
    • Example get: _bReconnect := _PLC.bAutoReconnect;
  • bHexPrefix (BOOL) attaches the '0x' prefix to the strings from list identity STRUCT.
    • Default: TRUE
  • bUnconnectedMessaging (BOOL) skips forward open and default to use unconnected messaging (Send RR Data).
    • Default: FALSE
  • bMicro800 (BOOL) specifies the device as a Micro800.
    • Default: FALSE
    • Not tested yet; need a Micro800 PLC.
  • bProcessorSlot (BYTE) specifies the processor slot.
    • Default: 0
  • sDeviceIp (STRING) allows you to change device IP from the one specified initially.
    • Default:
    • Toggle bEnable to update settings
  • uiDevicePort (UINT) allows you to change device port from the one specified initially.
    • Default: 44818
    • Toggle bEnable to update settings
  • udiTcpWriteTimeout (UDINT) specifies the maximum time it should take for the TCP client write to finish.
    • Default: 200000 microseconds
  • uiCipRequestTimeout (UINT) specifies the maximum time it should take for a CIP request to finish.
    • Default: 200 milliseconds
  • udiTcpClientTimeOut (UDINT) specifies the TCP client timeout.
    • Default: 500000 microseconds
  • udiTcpClientRetry (UDINT) specifies the auto reconnect interval for bAutoReconnect.
    • Default: 5000 milliseconds
  • uiConnectionSize (UINT) specifies the maximum connection bytes size for each read/write transaction. Value is automatically resized to gvcParameters.uiTcpBuffer if it exceeds it.
    • Default: 508
      • Using 508, which is divisible by 4.
    • NOTE: Large forward open has value greater than 511, and values of over 4000 seems to return Resource Unavailable error on CompactLogix.
  • stRoute (STRUCT) specifies a non-standard route that cannot be generated by bBuildRoute(STRING).
    • NOTE: Max route length is 96 bytes, and make sure to specify STRUCT length so forward open knows how to properly build the route.

Useful variable lists:

  • gvcParameters holds the default values from above, so adjust values to fit your needs.

Useful methods:

  • bCloseSession() (BOOL) sends forward close request and then unregister session request.
    • NOTE: If bAutoReconnect is set to TRUE, session will be re-established within the specified udiTcpClientRetry period.
  • bResetFault() (BOOL) call this to ACK read/write fault flags.
  • bBuildRoute(STRING) (BOOL) if you have a custom route.
    • Example: argument of ENBT1 -> ENBT2 -> PLC might look like '4,'.

PS: In memories of ztoka (April 2012 - May 2020). This is for you bud.