
Directory Plugin for WordPress

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

=== Connections Business Directory ===
Contributors: shazahm1@hotmail.com
Donate link: http://connections-pro.com/
Tags: addresses, address book, addressbook, bio, bios, biographies, business, businesses, business directory, business-directory, business directory plugin, directory plugin, directory widget, church, contact, contacts, connect, connections, directory, directories, hcalendar, hcard, ical, icalendar, image, images, list, lists, listings, member directory, members directory, members directories, microformat, microformats, page, pages, people, profile, profiles, post, posts, plugin, shortcode, staff, user, users, vcard, wordpress business directory, wordpress directory, wordpress directory plugin, wordpress business directory
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 3.8
Stable tag:
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Connections is a simple to use directory manager which can be used to create an addressbook, business directory, staff directory or church directory.

== Description ==

[Plugin Homepage](http://connections-pro.com/) | [Documentation](http://connections-pro.com/documentation/plugin/) | [Showcase](http://connections-pro.com/showcase/) | [Premium Templates](http://connections-pro.com/templates/) | [Extensions](http://connections-pro.com/extensions/) | [Github](https://github.com/shazahm1/Connections)

Quite simply, Connections is the best directory plugin available for WordPress. Its simplicity in design and function, vast array of unique features and versatility are the reasons more and more people are turning to Connections for their directory needs. You can use Connections to create a simple address book, maintain a staff directory and even run a business directory or link directory. Connections was built bottom up to be as configurable as possible while providing the features you need. Read on to learn about some of the best features Connections has to offer...

= Features =
* Seamless integration with the WordPress admin.
* A Dashboard admin page where you can keep up to date with Connections related news, such as updates notices for Ttemplates](http://connections-pro.com/templates/) and the [Extensions](http://connections-pro.com/extensions/). Also see at a glance today's anniversaries and birthdays as well as any upcoming anniversaries and birthdays.
* When inputting an entry there are multiple entry types from which to choose. They are individual, organization and family. The family entry type is unique to Connections. This entry type allows you to group individuals together as a family which makes Connections ideally suited for creating church directories.
* You control which entries are viewable to the public and which entries are private, viewable for logged in users only. You can even have entries set as unlisted so only admins can view them.
* Fields, fields and more fields... no other directory plugin offers more. There are fields for addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, IM, social networks, an image, a logo, bio, notes and more. Want more? Many fields, such as addresses and phone numbers, you can assign as many as you need. Wait, I'm not done yet... want to be able to list the business phone but keep that cell phone number private? You can do that, too. Most of the fields have selectable visibility. What this means is you can have an entry set as public but keep personal details private or even unlisted so only them admin can view it.
* Connections is being used to manage directories which contain thousands of entries so the ability to manage them easily is a must- a task which Connections stands and delivers. You can filter the entries list by category, entry type and visibility. You can search for entries. You can even search within the filtered entries. Of course Connections doesn't stop there, there are several bulk actions available to make changes a breeze.
* Category support. This feature was modeled after the category feature for WordPress posts. So if you know how to add and manage categories for posts, you know how they work for Connections. Categories can be hierarchical and entries can be assigned to any number of categories.
* Extensive role support. For your users that have access to the WordPress admin, there is extensive role support. You can define which roles can perform tasks to manage entries in Connections.
* Unrivaled customability with templates. Connections comes with many basic templates to get you started. For many, these meet their needs. But if you need more than these basic templates provide, check out these great [premium templates](http://connections-pro.com/templates/).
* Displaying your entries on the front end is as simple as putting a shortcode on a page. Don't let this simplicity fool you. The Connections shortcode provides almost a dizzying array of options that are just too numerous to list. But if you want to know more, you can find it [here](http://connections-pro.com/documentation/plugin/shortcodes/).
* Even a bit of SEO was sprinkled in. Every entry outputs following the [hCard](http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard) spec.
* One last item. [Extensibility](http://connections-pro.com/extensions/).

= Languages =

Connections has been translated in the following languages.

* Danish (Denmark) [51% Complete]
* Dutch (Netherlands) [91% Complete]
* French (France) [96% Complete]
* German (Germany) [82% Complete]
* Hungarian (Hungry) [96% Complete]
* Italian (Italy) [37% Complete]
* Persian (Iran) [97% Complete]
* Polish (Poland) [30% Complete]
* Portugese (Brazil) [41% Complete]
* Spanish (Spain) [100% Complete]
* Spanish (Latin America) [92% Complete]
* Serbian (Latin) [4% Complete]
* Turkish (Turkey) [97% Complete]

== Credits: ==
* This plugin was based off LBB, ["Little Black Book"](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/lbb-little-black-book/); which was based on [Addressbook](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/addressbook/), both of which can be found in the Plugin Directory.
* vCard class is a modified version by [Troy Wolf](http://www.troywolf.com/articles/php/class_vcard/).
* Image uploading and processing done by the class.upload.php by [Colin Verot](http://www.verot.net/php_class_upload.htm).
* Update Notice in plugin admin inspired by Changelogger 1.2.8 by [Oliver Schlöbe](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/changelogger/).
* TimThumb by [Ben Gillbanks and Mark Maunder](http://code.google.com/p/timthumb/).
* Screen Options class by [Janis Elsts](http://w-shadow.com/blog/2010/06/29/adding-stuff-to-wordpress-screen-options/).
* spin.js by [Felix Gnass](http://fgnass.github.com/spin.js/).
* $.goMap() jQuery Google Maps Plugin by [Jevgenijs Shtrauss](http://www.pittss.lv/jquery/gomap/).
* MarkerClustererPlus jQuery Google Maps Marker Clustering Plugin by [Gary Little](http://gmaps-utility-library-dev.googlecode.com/svn/tags/markerclusterer/).
* Validation jQuery plugin by [Jörn Zaefferer](http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/).
* Chosen jQuery plugin by [Harvest](https://github.com/harvesthq/chosen/).
* qTip jQuery plugin by [Craig Thompson](http://craigsworks.com/projects/qtip2/).
* Preloading GIF generated by [Preloaders.net](http://www.preloaders.net/).
* Email and URL validation methods by [Gizmo Digital Fusion](http://wpcodesnippets.info/blog/two-useful-php-validation-functions.html).
* Social media icons by [WPZOOM.com](http://www.wpzoom.com/wpzoom/500-free-icons-wpzoom-social-networking-icon-set/); license [CC BY-SA 3.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/).
* iTunes icon by [Paul Robert Lloyd](http://paulrobertlloyd.com/); license [Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales (CC BY-SA 2.0)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/uk/).
* Podcast icon by [schollidesign](http://findicons.com/icon/94188/podcast_new); license GNU/GPL.
* CSS theme and image used for the jQuery UI Datepicker by [helenhousandi](https://github.com/helenhousandi/wp-admin-jquery-ui).

== Screenshots ==
[Screenshots can be found here.](http://connections-pro.com/screenshots/)

[Connections running on live websites can be found here.](http://connections-pro.com/live-samples/)

== Installation ==
[Installation instructions can be found here.](http://connections-pro.com/documentation/plugin/install/)

= Requirements =
* **WordPress version:** >= 3.3
* **PHP version:** >= 5.2.4
* **NOTE:** Upgrading from version 0.6.1 and newer only, is supported. Previous version must upgrade to 0.6.1 before upgrading to the current version.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
[FAQs can be found here.](http://connections-pro.com/faq/)

== Changelog ==

= 10/15/13 =
* FEATURE: The character filter now uses a permalink structure which is more SEO friendly.
* BUG: Fixed the character filter when the directory is used on the front page.

= 09/30/13 =
* BUG: Fix bug preventing the copying of an entry.

= 09/23/13 =
* BUG: Critical fix that fixes the path to the inc.upgrade.php file.

= 0.7.9 09/15/13 =
* FEATURE: Added an exclude_category shortcode option.
* FEATURE: The character index now filters by the character clicked rather than just using an in-page link.
* FEATURE: Add home_id and force_home shortcode options that will override the setting on the Connections : Settings admin page.
* TWEAK: Adjust text domain loading to allow MO files to be saved to and loaded from the WP_LANG_DIR so custom translation are update safe.
* TWEAK: Allow most constants to be overridden in the wp-config.php file to permit update safe custom locations.
* TWEAK: Add new relative path constants and add them to the Connections : Dashboard System widget.
* TWEAK: Update path not found error messages. Message now points to the website where much more info can be provided and more frequently updated.
* TWEAK: Purge the legacy template transient on page load of the Connections : Templates admin page.
* TWEAK: Check that the template is found before returning its object.
* TWEAK: Check that a legacy temnplate's path/files exists before returning its object.
* TWEAK: Use relative URL when loading images via TimThumb.
* TWEAK: Add constant to allow positioning of the admin menu.
* TWEAK: The "Add to addressbook." link will no longer be shown on the core templates if it has been turned off under the entry action settings.
* TWEAK: Change structure of core class to be a singleton.
* TWEAK: Use an action to register the cnUser class.
* TWEAK: Move general admin functions to their own class.
* TWEAK: Move the admin menu functions to their own class.
* TWEAK: Move the visibility and status bulk action functions to the cnEntry_Actions class.
* TWEAK: Add a delete method to the cnEntry_Actions class.
* TWEAK: Add the status action to the cnAdminActions class.
* TWEAK: Completely redo the record count method for more accurate results.
* TWEAK: Use a space instead of no-space when stripping out returns, new lines and tabs from the shortcode output.
* TWEAK: Remove the action in the plugin init that registered the Names template and added it to the template file instead.
* TWEAK: All core templates are updated to use the new template API.
* TWEAK: The upcoming_list shortcode now uses the cnAction_css action hook.
* TWEAK: Remove the "scope" attribute from the CSS inserted mid page for FireFox compatibility.
* TWEAK: Only add the HTML comment text if WP_DEBUG is set to TRUE.
* TWEAK: Remove the form action attribute from the add/edit entry form.
* I18N: Update the POT file.
* I18N: Add Persian (Iran).
* I18N: Add Turkish (Turkey).
* I18N: Add Portugese (Brazil).
* I18N: Update French (France).
* I18N: Update Spanish (Spain).
* I18N: Update Hungarian (Hungry).
* I18N: Update Dutch (Netherlands).
* I18N: Update Italian (Italy).
* I18N: Update Polish (Poland).
* I18N: Update Danish (Denmark).
* I18N: Update German (Germany).
* I18N: Add Spanish (Latin America).
* I18N: Add Serbian (Latin).
* BUG: Fix query string creation when using the Default permalink structure.
* BUG: Fix some double slashing when loading template assets.
* BUG: Fix malformed HTML being created when the template not found error message was shown.
* BUG: Fix a conflict with Formidable.
* BUG: Fix the Members template so it at least functions again.
* BUG: If no template author waas supplied, return an empty string.
* BUG: Fix the edit links on the Connections : Dashboard widgets.
* BUG: Remove 'p' from the query string when using the default permalink structure.
* BUG: Remove the /feed/ endpoint from the directory subpages because they caused 404 search engine crawl errors.
* BUG: Fixed an undefined index notice in the cnTemplateFactory class.
* OTHER: Fix typo's on the SEO Settings admin page.
* OTHER: Fix typo's in the Names template.
* OTHER: Remove all PO files.
* OTHER: Add a CREDITS.txt file.
* OTHER: Add a LICENSE.txt file.
* OTHER: Add a README.txt file to the languages folder providing direction on how to translate the plugin.
* OTHER: Remove complete @todo's from the phpDoc.
* OTHER: Add a cn_loaded action for extensions and templates to hook into.
* OTHER: Add a cn_register_template action for templates to hook into.
* OTHER: Update a few doc links to the website.
* OTHER: Some general code cleanup.

[Complete Changlog can be found here.](http://connections-pro.com/changelog/)

== Upgrade Notice ==

= =
This is a major update. It would be advisable to backup the Connections tables in the database before upgrading.

= =
Bug fixes.

= =
A couple bug fixes. Should be the last one.

= =
Bug fixes and updates to third party jQuery plugins and PHP classes. It is highly recommended to update.

= 0.7.3 =
This is a major update. It would be advisable to backup the Connections tables in the database before upgrading.

= =
This is a major update. It would be advisable to backup the Connections tables in the database before upgrading.

= =
Many bug fixes throughout. This is a highly recommended update.

= =
Many bug fixes throughout. This is a highly recommended update.

= =
Many bug fixes throughout. This is a highly recommended update.

= =
Many bug fixes throughout. This is a highly recommended update.

= =
Many bug fixes throughout. This is a highly recommended update.

= =
Potentially fixes issues with mutlisite installs.

= 0.7.4 =
A lot of code cleanup and tweaking. Add new feature to be able to filter by initial character on the Connections : Manage admin page.
NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
A permissions bug has been fixed.
NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= 0.7.5 =
NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
Major rewrite of the template system. Now requires WordPress 3.3 or newer. NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
Major rewrite of the template system. Now requires WordPress 3.3 or newer. NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
Major rewrite of the template system. Now requires WordPress 3.3 or newer. NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
Major rewrite of the template system. Now requires WordPress 3.3 or newer. NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
Major rewrite of the template system. Now requires WordPress 3.3 or newer. NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
Major rewrite of the template system. Now requires WordPress 3.3 or newer. NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
Minor bug fixes and language updates. NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= 0.7.8 =
Some new features, minor bug fixes and language updates. NOTICE: Your roles settings for Connections are reset upon upgrade. After upgrading, please check the role settings.

= =
Minor bug fixes.

= 0.7.9 =
Some new features, minor bug fixes and language updates.

= =
Critical fix that fixes the path to the inc.upgrade.php file.

= =
Fix bug preventing the copying of an entry.

= =
The character filter now uses a permalink structure for better SEO. Fix minor bug preventing the character filter from working on the front page.