
Mass Social Engineering tool and Email and Account Extraction (Random Brute Force Discovery) and Password Brute Force through Tor.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

NOTE : This is deprecated. Please do not expect any updates.


Mass Social Engineering tool and Email and Account Extraction (Random Brute Force Discovery) and Password Brute Force through Tor.

  • Automatic Random Email and Password generation.
  • Load Email dumps too.
  • Mass Emailer with your Malacious Attachment (no Email dump required, but can be loaded).
  • Password Spraying. Get Accounts that use Weak passwords on Instagram.
  • Classic Brute Force on Instagram.

Why only Instagram?

People tend to use weak combinations on Instagram Alot. And it's easier because I found a Module to Brute Force easily over Tor.

Brute Forcing Accounts over Tor

Every Single account brute forced by this tool is over Tor because of Instagram-Py. On a successful login attempt, They will receive a notification which looks like this.


Mass Email

You can send Emails with malacious or legitimate attachments to Random emails, Or use an email list to send to.


Mass Emailer

$ cd IRIS
$ ./iris.py -email myemail@service.com -password myemailpassword 

Password Spraying

$ ./iris.py -discover-instagram true

Brute Force over Tor only

$ ./iris.py -bruteforce-instagram true -instagram-user < username > -instagram-list < password list >