
Simple Key Verification system for client side applications.

Primary LanguagePHP


XKEYVERIFY is a really simple Key verification system. You can use it for various purposes. For example, You need to create a Trial Version of your Application. You can setup XKEYVERIFY and create a key. Your Program would send a GET Request to the key and see if it's valid. If it is, Continue, Else, Quit.

BUGS : View current bugs

Setting up (Example)

Firsly move everything under panel/ to your web server, And go to phpmyadmin. Create a database named xkeyverify (utf8_general_ci), and execute the following sql.

  	`username` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  	`password` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

INSERT INTO `account` (`id`, `username`, `password`) VALUES (1, 'admin', '$2y$10$uhL2hyDAKH3/u3lST0Pr/uuClRA/k8DSU6T5.b/FGx.upp0MoDZ5u');


Once that's done, You can go on to your server and login using default credentials admin:password.


After you login, You should see this


So no keys are created by default, Lets say I have to create an application that I want to give to my friend and I want it to stop working whenever I want. So we can create a key for this.

Click the button Create new Key and enter your desired name and key and a date. newkey

In this case I am creating a key with the name of mainkey. Note, The name is important, you will see.

Once the key is created, It should look something like this. keydone

As you can see, IT says Activated : False. The key is created but not activated. In order to use it, We activate it. keymanage

After it's activated it, The server side setup for your Verification system is done. done

Creating the Application

So after we've completed the steps above in the process of making an application stop whenever we want. You can use this sample code to understand what we need to do next.

#include "xkeyverify.h"

#define ALL_OK "12345" // Use encryption if use in real application

int main() {
    char key[MAX_KEY]; memset(key, '\0', MAX_KEY);
    get("http://myserver.com/mainkey", key, MAX_KEY);
    if(strcmp(key, ALL_OK) == 0)
        // printf("Key : %s\n", key);
	// Continue the application
    } else {
        MessageBoxA(NULL, "Your Trial has expired.", "Error", MB_ICONERROR);
    return 0;

The code above gets the key from the server, If it's the expected KEY and DOES exit only then the program will run, Else, Stop.