
Code to reproduce Supervised Policy Update (ICLR 2019)

Primary LanguagePython

This repository contains a minimal example to reproduce Mujoco results in the paper Supervised Policy Update (SPU):

PDF Slide Poster


Measured in terms of final performance and averaged over 10 Mujoco environments with 10 different seeds in each, SPU is 27% and 17% better than TRPO and PPO respectively. Averaged over 60 Atari games with 20 different seeds in each, SPU is 55% better than PPO. SPU also has negligible computational overhead compared to PPO and only requires < 30 line change from existing PPO implementation.


Main dependencies:

  1. Python 3.5
  2. Tensorflow
  3. Mujoco 1.50

For the remaining dependencies, please inspect and install using environment.yml (Anaconda format) and requirements.txt (pip format). Most of the code was taken from OpenAI baseline repository. Thus, if you can run OpenAI baselines, then you should have installed the necessary packages to run experiments from this repository. You can also follow the more detailed installation instruction in OpenAI baseline repo.

Run Experiments

To run SPU on HalfCheetah-v2 using seed 0, do:

python run_mujoco.py --env HalfCheetah-v2 --seed 0 


Huge thanks to OpenAI for open-sourcing their baselines code.