
Mockk Quarkus Extension

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Quarkus JUnit5 MockK Extension

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This Quarkus JUnit5 MockK extension allows you to easily inject MockK mocks.

The full documentation be found here.

Importing the dependency

First of all, you need to add the following dependency:


If you are using gradle:

dependencies {
    testImplementation 'io.quarkiverse.mockk:quarkus-junit5-mockk:LATEST'

Compatibility with Quarkus

Starting with version 3.8+, version 3+ of quarkus-junit5-mockk should be used. If you use a version between ˋ3.0.0, and before 3.8.0, version 2.0.0ofquarkus-junit5-mockkshould be used. If you use a version between2.8and before3.0.0, version 1.1.0ofquarkus-junit5-mockkshould be used. If you use a version before2.7, version 1.0.1ofquarkus-junit5-mockk` should be used.


Now, you can use @InjectMock and @InjectSpy in your test such as:

class InjectionMockTest {

    private lateinit var firstService: FirstService

    private lateinit var secondService: SecondService

    fun `should respond test`() {
        every { secondService.greet() } returns "test"

    fun `should respond second`() {
        every { secondService.greet() } returns "second"
        verify { secondService.greet() }