An NTT-based Fast Lattice library
NFLlib is an efficient and open-source C++ library dedicated to ideal lattice cryptography. It is specialized in polynomial rings quotiented by a cyclotomic polynomial whose degree is a power of two. The library combines algorithmic optimizations (Chinese Remainder Theorem, optimized Number Theoretic Transform) together with programming optimization techniques (SSE and AVX2 specializations, C++ expression templates, etc.).
You need cmake, GMP and Mpfr, as well as a C++11 compiler to build NFLLib.
To build, test and install a production version of nfllib, run the following:
$> mkdir _build
$> cd _build
$> make
$> make test
$> make install
The following CMake options are relevant:
Option | Description |
Where the library is installed |
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release|Debug |
The basic compiler configuration |
Enable SSE/AVX-based optimization |
To use SSE-based optimizations, compile the code with the flags -DNFL_OPTIMIZED=ON -DNTT_SSE
To use AVX-based optimizations, compile the code with the flags -DNFL_OPTIMIZED=ON -DNTT_AVX2
In order to get the documentation you need Sphinx and the Alabaster theme. Installation procedures are described at (we recommend using pip for both installations) :
After getting both Sphinx and the Alabaster theme build the documentation and show it with:
$> sphinx-build . build
$> your_favorite_browser build/nfl.html
If you have issues building the documentation please contact the developper team.
This library is an extension/evolution of the NTTTools module from XPIR done by members of CryptoExperts, INP ENSEEIHT, Quarkslab (in alphabetical order).