- 8
Weird MongoDB error when running the rest-fights service with Quarkus dev
#752 opened by ingmarfjolla - 10
Weird CORS bug when pressing "fights"
#687 opened by psirdev - 2
NoSuchElement on Configuration of rest-fights
#686 opened by psirdev - 0
Add openshift-ai integration into narration service
#681 opened by edeandrea - 0
- 0
Add microcks to UI service
#598 opened by edeandrea - 1
Support native compilation in narration service
#368 opened by edeandrea - 12
Switch narration app to use quarkus-langchain4j
#421 opened by edeandrea - 4
- 8
Introduce Java 21
#376 opened by edeandrea - 1
Rewrite UI in a more modern framework
#290 opened by holly-cummins - 0
Introduce some gRPC?
#394 opened by edeandrea - 3
Using Kotlin in any of the samples?
#143 opened by edeandrea - 0
- 1
Introduce some gRPC?
#378 opened by edeandrea - 0
- 4
Switching from jmeter to hyperfoil
#286 opened by cescoffier - 4
Clean up various kubernetes profiles config
#300 opened by edeandrea - 0
- 5
- 0
Fight microservice website information is outdated
#362 opened by galderz - 23
Indicate generated yaml by .gitignore-ing it and including a comment indicating it's generated (to reduce maintenance effort for contributors)
#299 opened by holly-cummins - 1
Reporting a vulnerability
#262 opened by igibek - 10
Drop Java 11
#283 opened by edeandrea - 8
- 1
Update to Quarkus 3
#238 opened by edeandrea - 8
Fights service shouldn't use client side load balancing when deployed in knative
#146 opened by edeandrea - 1
Generate Helm charts
#130 opened by edeandrea - 3
Allowing "fair" fights
#250 opened by edeandrea - 0
Investigate removing prometheus from architecture
#120 opened by edeandrea - 0
- 2
Redis Cache Implementation
#225 opened by maranza - 0
Need to add CORS support after 2.16 upgrade
#220 opened by edeandrea - 1
Run with podman-compose instead of docker compose
#217 opened by marciocg - 7
The generated Deployment YAML is not valid when set quarkus.openshift.deployment-kind=Deployment
#194 opened by audomsak - 1
Add pact provider verification tests to rest-fights
#189 opened by edeandrea - 6
- 2
Provide only a single native image
#178 opened by edeandrea - 13
Introduce Pact contract tests
#164 opened by edeandrea - 0
Fix UI k8s knative yamls
#144 opened by edeandrea - 0
- 2
Add OpenTelemetry in Azure ContainerApps
#139 opened by agoncal - 0
- 3
Database pods are failing with `curl: command not found`
#154 opened by sallyom - 1
Azure super heroes is broken on new postgres change
#134 opened by roryp - 0
- 0
Improve JMeter script to run on Azure
#126 opened by agoncal - 4
Document how to use Jaeger
#116 opened by agoncal - 0
Introduce variables in the JMeter script
#121 opened by agoncal - 1
Document how to use Prometheus
#115 opened by agoncal