- 11
- 0
Question: manual triggering of persisting?
#120 opened by MaRaSu - 0
mobx-persist-store doesn't work with ES decorators
#119 opened by ezze - 1
[Question] Is there any option to know when data are restored / loaded from store?
#117 opened by lorenc-tomasz - 1
Use of inheritance in Store classes
#111 opened by zhanazhan - 3
Question: Is it possible to persist multiple instances of a store without separately naming them?
#109 opened by ThaJay - 4
configurePersistable initialization failed?
#114 opened by momtboy - 0
- 11
How to deal with Fast Refresh on React Native?
#64 opened by SrBrahma - 2
[Question] Can I serialize and deserialize class instances instead of objects?
#92 opened by nathan-alden-sr - 1
support mobx4?
#110 opened by DroganC - 2
#112 opened by Aleksandern - 1
Suggestion: Only warn with `(...) is an action and will not persist` in dev (verbose) mode
#107 opened by ThaJay - 3
mmkv storage support
#73 opened by negati-ve - 1
- 2
Mobx-persist-store shows up the "Converting circular structure to JSON" when I save array into the sessionstorage
#108 opened by MelodyFish - 8
- 3
Question: adding a custom variable name instead of harcoded properties name
#102 opened by alaa-paramount - 0
Class instances used as a `storage` get a warning.
#105 opened by futpib - 4
- 2
NextJS with Javascript Example
#100 opened by thornzz - 1
[Question] Use of MobX toJS function
#101 opened by tafty - 9
Next.js compatible?
#98 opened by smamun19 - 2
- 2
[BUG] version 1.1.0 package is empty
#95 opened by PeterJSung - 4
[Feature] Properties array to accept a value converter object with serialize / deserialize functions
#85 opened by RyoukoKonpaku - 0
- 4
- 0
- 4
UnhandledRejection Error
#86 opened by Rahilkzi - 2
stringify:false doesnt work with @react-native-async-storage/async-storage
#69 opened by sergeykimaia - 12
- 2
- 0
Compile error with mobx@6.3.12
#72 opened by ksailens - 1
Does this lib support mobx5?
#71 opened by BigTomM - 2
reaction in a different tab
#67 opened by hartum - 2
- 12
Example with functional components?
#68 opened by vbylen - 1
- 11
- 3
How to support data versioning?
#59 opened by ducNgbk - 2
- 4
Why is my nested model History not being saved?
#43 opened by gHashTag - 3
IE11 support
#53 opened by rafaeldsousa - 8
makePersistable is not saving an ES6 Map to the local storage correctly. Possible solution in the comment.
#41 opened by BornaGajic - 4
- 4
[Demo]: Store Hydrated is always Yes
#51 opened by deadcoder0904 - 10
- 1
problem with saving refs
#40 opened by morelgarisi - 2
The "mobx-persist-store" "module does not have an exported" persistence ".ts element
#42 opened by gHashTag