
Hot-reload issue

rstoenescu opened this issue ยท 5 comments

I found the solution/problem. The problem is not caused by the Quasar framework.
Found the solution in this thread: webpack-contrib/webpack-hot-middleware#129

If I run sudo quasar dev it will work. It something about the permission in the project folder. The thread suggest to run this command in the project folder to skipe the sudo command:
sudo chown -R whoami: .

The command have not worked for me. I will continue to use the sudo command until I have found the problem with my OS.


Thanks for following this and adding the solution you found! I appreciate it!

Will document this particular case in the docs.

Adding this for anyone else in the future that runs into this issues.

I just created a Quasar app and had the exact same issue. Apparently, depending on various settings between Ubuntu versions, you may get different results as this happens to be a file watcher issue. I found this information: File system monitoring issue

To temporarily fix, you can run this:
echo 100000 | sudo tee /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches

Or, for a more permanent result, you can edit

and add:
fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 100000

then reload the kernel parameters with:
sysctl --system