

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I am having a hard time getting hot-reload working. Just made a new 'Quasar init test', and run 'Quasar dev'. This is the output:

keywords if/then/else require v5 option
 Starting dev server with "mat" theme...
 Will listen at http://localhost:8080
 Browser will open when build is ready.

 [==                  ] 10% (building modules)webpack: wait until bundle finished: 
Build completed in 8.491s

webpack built 930036d56f7c51bb29b2 in 8496ms
Hash: 930036d56f7c51bb29b2
Version: webpack 2.1.0-beta.28
Time: 8496ms
                                   Asset       Size  Chunks           Chunk Names
          fonts/Roboto-Thin.90d3804.woff    87.8 kB  [emitted]  
fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.012cf6a.woff    57.6 kB  [emitted]  
         fonts/Roboto-Light.37fbbba.woff    89.2 kB  [emitted]  
        fonts/Roboto-Medium.303ded6.woff    89.7 kB  [emitted]  
       fonts/Roboto-Regular.081b11e.woff    89.4 kB  [emitted]  
          fonts/Roboto-Bold.ad140ff.woff    89.2 kB  [emitted]  
             img/quasar-logo.2f3aed5.png    50.4 kB  [emitted]  
            js/0.c7905e75fce3d9a746a7.js    24.5 kB  0[emitted]  
            js/1.8b06b921327c687eaf9b.js    21.2 kB  1[emitted]  
                               js/app.js    5.69 MB  2[emitted]  app
                              index.html  578 bytes  [emitted]  
Child html-webpack-plugin for "index.html":
         Asset     Size  Chunks  Chunk Names
    index.html  1.48 MB       0  
webpack: bundle is now VALID.

When I make changes in ex. index.vue nothing is happening.

I have the newest CLI installed.

Best regards,

Thank you for the quick reply.
I have now tried making some bigger changes without any success. The terminal is not reacting at all.
I also had a suspicion it was not Quasar related, but have not found any solution on google.

Any other suggestion?


@Vaerum what OS, NPM and Node versions are you using?

Ubuntu 16.04
NPM 3.5.2
Node v4.2.6

Moving discussion to appropriate repository: quasarframework/quasar-template-default#10

Found a solution. Read here: quasarframework/quasar-template-default#10