📼 Package media content for online streaming(DASH and HLS) using FFmpeg
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WebVTT subtitles not referenced.
#127 opened by tommie904 - 1
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How to specify maxrate?
#134 opened by mbUSC - 0
- 0
Save to s3 not working
#131 opened by theolop - 1
1 frames left in the queue on closing, 1 frames left in the queue on closing\\nConversion failed!\\n"')
#130 opened by Ecosmos - 0
rtsp to file mp4 not work
#128 opened by sugizo - 1
- 1
Save to s3 not working
#124 opened by Tamerlan-hash - 1
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'ffmpeg': 'ffmpeg'
#120 opened by huanhoang2121 - 0
Clean Interrupt
#121 opened by glitchednoop - 2
file saving in cloud
#119 opened by amirdks - 1
Integration with django
#118 opened by saileshkush95 - 2
Produce arbitrary HLS fragment files from .mp4 from an entry recorded in .m3u8 file
#97 opened by brunoais - 2
cannot schedule new futures after interpreter shutdown when use cloud (s3) to upload outputs
#79 opened by hir4k - 4
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How to contact you?
#95 opened by Saeeed-B - 1
Copy codec for video
#96 opened by gsemyong - 1
Issue in uploading video to GCP bucket iteratively, contents of previous iteration are uploaded
#101 opened by khiladipappu - 2
Example is not working
#102 opened by JavierSanchezCastro - 1
Encoding with AV1?
#103 opened by ryankashi - 1
set limit output size
#104 opened by POLYFAY - 1
Output frame rate
#105 opened by diego-treitos - 1
how to make multiple representations for HLS stream while capturing webcam
#108 opened by 7luka7tadic7 - 1
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rtsp_transport with TCP
#111 opened by HuyAIHub - 1
Create a socket connection and show a progress bar(or other parameters) to your users
#113 opened by Forchapeatl - 0
Typo in codec filter name for H.264
#98 opened by igrowing - 2
How can I show the process bar on Django HTML?
#83 opened by sannjayy - 2
.mpd files are not uploading to S3
#93 opened by pankaj-g10 - 2
error: "gbk" "utf-8"
#87 opened by dupenf - 1
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Is anyone using this tool as an NVR?
#85 opened by SeaDude - 1
how to use h264_amf for hls
#84 opened by fernandon00b - 1
hls_flags single_file
#78 opened by mnervik - 1
#80 opened by atzitiondev - 1
DASH to HLS live
#81 opened by dromicron - 1
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support h264_nvenc format?
#91 opened by mathpopo - 0
How to edit the audio codec of the output ?
#88 opened by Impre-visible - 1
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HEVC + hls
#73 opened by jgozlan-jamble - 1
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Allow custom ffmpeg flag to be passed
#71 opened by vertigo65536 - 1
Getting Name Error for "ffmpeg_streaming"
#70 opened by ameyjir - 1
HSL segment duration
#69 opened by tjikaljedy - 1
How to stream output?
#68 opened by liquidpeachy - 1
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