
Compass extension for randomly generated CSS3 gradients with harsh color stops—like magical diamonds.

Primary LanguageRuby

Compass extension for randomly generated CSS3 gradients with harsh color stops—like magical diamonds.

You can find a bunch of examples on my website


From the command line:

(sudo) gem install harsh

Installing into your project:

# Edit config.rb and add:
require "harsh"

# Import the extension into your sass or scss file
@import "harsh"

Please note that if you are using a GUI app like Compass.app or Codekit installing extensions may be done differently.


# Mixin for backgrounds
@include harsh($color, $background, $transparency, $number-of-gradients, $angle, $nuance, $nuance-strength) 

# Mixin for text (only works in webkit)
@include harsh-text($color, $transparency, $number-of-gradients, $angle, $nuance, $nuance-strength, $background) 


The color of the gradients. Pass any color, a list of colors separated by spaces, or random for random colors.


Appends a color at the end of the gradients, pass false to omit.


Sets opacity of each gradient—use 0 for opaque, 1 for completely transparent.


Sets number of gradients. Passing a list of colors overrides.


Sets angle of gradients. Pass random for random angles, start and stop points (25% 75%), degrees (45deg), or CSS keywords like top, right, or bottom left.


Boolean. When passing one color, saturates, desaturates, lightens, and darkens by a random amount.


Sets maximum percent colors will be changed by nuance. 0 will result in no change.

100 will result in a large change.


To make this a full-page background, make sure to set the width and height of html and body to 100%:

html, body {
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;

body {
  @include harsh();
  //background-attachment: fixed;
  //background-repeat: no-repeat;
  @include harsh()

  @include harsh(white, rgb(200,50,50), .95)

  @include harsh(random, white, .05)

  @include harsh($transparency: .95)

  @include harsh(#FF0000 blue rgb(50,200,50))

  @include harsh($angle: top)

  @include harsh($angle: -32deg)

  @include harsh(salmon, $nuance-strength: 50)