
A spec for ClairCore and ClairV4 notifications.

ClairV4 Notifications

ClairV4 must provide a notification system to inform interested parties that new vulnerabilities were discovered and the manifests affected by said vulnerabilities.


To implement notifications several systems must be developed and work together.

  • Vulnerability Update Diffs
  • Affected Manifests Report
  • Notifier Service

The following sections describes each in detail.

Vulnerability Update Diffs

Updaters are responsible for fetching vulnerability databases, parsing its contents, and writing vulnerabilities to the database.
To support notifications, libvuln must also inform clients whether vulnerabilities were removed or added between two update operations.

The following sections outline how this is implemented.

Update Operations And Diffs

Two new libvuln.Driver objects are introduced to model an update operation and an diff between operations

// Our diff terminology uses UpdateOpeartion A and UpdateOperation B as arguments.
// A is always the base and B is the update being applied over A.

// UpdateOperation is a unique update to the vulnstore by an Updater.
type UpdateOperation struct {
	ID          string
	Updater     string
	Fingerprint Fingerprint
	Date        time.Time

// UpdateDiff represents added or removed vulnerabilities between update operations
type UpdateDiff struct {
	A       UpdateOperation
	B       UpdateOperation
	Added   []*claircore.Vulnerability
	Removed []*claircore.Vulnerability

Database support is added in way of a new relation for update_operation and two new columns on the vuln relation.

    id			text PRIMARY KEY,
    updater		text,
    fingerprint text,
    date		timestamp with time zone
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uo_updater_idx ON update_operation (updater);

    id                     BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    uo_id                  text REFERENCES update_operation ON DELETE CASCADE,
    hash                   text,
    name                   text,
    description            text,
    links                  text,
    severity               text,
    package_name           text,
    package_version        text,
    package_kind           text,
    dist_id                text,
    dist_name              text,
    dist_version           text,
    dist_version_code_name text,
    dist_version_id        text,
    dist_arch              text,
    dist_cpe               text,
    dist_pretty_name       text,
    repo_name              text,
    repo_key               text,
    repo_uri               text,
    fixed_in_version       text,
    active				   boolean
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS vuln_lookup_idx on vuln (active, package_name, dist_version_code_name, dist_pretty_name, dist_name,
                                                    dist_version_id, dist_version, dist_arch, dist_cpe);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS unique_vulnerability_id ON vuln (uo_id, hash);

Column uo_id references an owning UpdateOperation id and hash represents a hash of the vulnerability data.
In the near future a stable_id can be identified for each security database and used in addition with the hash to identify "changed" vulnerabilities.

On deletion of an update_operation all associated vuln entries are removed from the relation via CASCADE delete.

Vulnstore Interface Refactor

The vulnstore.Updater interface is refactored to support UpdateOperation and UpdateDiff functionality.

// Updater is an interface exporting the necessary methods
// for updating a vulnerability database
type Updater interface {
	// UpdateVulnerabilities creates a new UpdateOperation, inserts the provided vulnerabilities, and ensures vulnerabilities from previous updates
	// are not queried by clients.
	UpdateVulnerabilities(ctx context.Context, updater string, UOID string, fingerprint driver.Fingerprint, vulns []*claircore.Vulnerability) error
	// GetUpdateOperations returns a list of UpdateOperations in date descending order for the given updaters.
	// Returned map is keyed by Updater implementations unique names.
	// If updater slice is nil or empty all UpdateOperations are returned.
	GetUpdateOperations(ctx context.Context, updater []string) (map[string][]*driver.UpdateOperation, error)
	// DeleteUpdateOperations removes an UpdateOperation and the associated vulnerabilities from the vulnstore.
	DeleteUpdateOperations(ctx context.Context, UOID []string) error
	// GetUpdateOperationDiff returns the vulnerabilities added and removed when UpdaterOperation B is applied to UpdateOperation A.
	// Implementations decide if appling diffs between non-sequential updates is an error.
	GetUpdateOperationDiff(ctx context.Context, UOID_A, UOID_B string) (*driver.UpdateDiff, error)

Libvuln Structure Refactor

The Libvuln struct implementing libvuln functionality grows exported methods to support retrieval and deletion of UpdateOperation and UpdateDiff models.

func (l *libvuln) GetUpdateOperations
func (l *libvuln) DeleteUpdateOperations
func (l *libvuln) GetUpdateOperationDiff

Affected Manifests Report

On event of a notification the client must be informed which manifest hashes the added/removed vulnerability affects.
In order to accomplish this we must provide an AffectedManifestsReport to the client.
An AffectedManifestsReport will be the model delivered on notification event.

The follow sections outline how this is implemented.

Manifest Index Relation

A new relation called "manifest_index" will be created.
The relation will maintain a searchable index mapping package/distribution/repository data to the manifests which contain said data.
A lookup on this relation should remain efficient.

    --- ManifestIndex
	--- A searchable index mapping coalesced container contents to their manifest hash
	CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS manifest_index (
		package_id bigint REFERENCES package(id),
		dist_id bigint REFERENCES dist(id),
		repo_id bigint REFERENCES repo(id),
		manifest_hash text
	CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS manifest_index_unique_idx ON manifest_index (package_id, dist_id, repo_id, manifest_hash);
	CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS manifest_index_lookup_idx ON manifest_index (package_id, dist_id, repo_id);

The relation simply maps package/distribution/repo ids to a manifest string allowing a manifest hash lookup via a single query.

IndexManifest State

A state will be added to the indexer's state machine dubbed IndexManifest.
This will be the final state of the state machine and will write rows to the manifest_index linking the coalesced container's content to a manifest hash string.

Affected Manifests Methods

Both internal.indexer.Store and libindex struct will grow methods for ingesting a claircore.Vulnerability and outputting any affected manifest hashes.
The returned response will simply be a list of manifest hashes affected by the vulnerability.
libindex methods may need to perform in-memory filtering of version strings to correctly report package vulnerability.

Notifier Service

While the main functionality for notification is implemented in ClairCore the driving application will be ClairV4's notifier service.
This service will be responsible for:

  • Querying the Matcher to find new UpdateOperations and their UpdateDiffs.
  • Querying the Indexer to retrieve a list of affected manifests.
  • Sending and bookeeping of notifications to registered clients.

Notification Delivery

Webhooks will be the preferred method of notification delivery.